I sit at the table. Bouncing my leg up and down. Worried about what will happen between them. I know it is already bad. I hear faint screams. I hear yelling from both of them. I can't make out what is happening down there I am just scared for Connor. I want to be there for him. Yet I am stuck up here hearing all this argument not able to help. I look around the table. Everyone trying to ignore it. I see his mother talking to Brandon. I hear another yell and the someone walking up the steps. I keep my head low as I try and not make Nicola more mad. Or Connor. Connor throws himself down beside me. Without a word from his mouth. I see the tears in his eyes. He is trying to keep it in. Should I put a hand on his? To make sure he is not alone. Or should I just let him be. Connor reaches for a slice of pizza I know he won't eat it. But he will pick at it. He puts his head on the table and he lets some tears fall. I just feel so bad for him. What did Nicola say to him? What did she do to him? I see him rub his hands up and down his arm. Did she find the scars on his wrists? Or did she hurt him in some way. I see him thinking hard. Wishing I could read minds. Wishing that all those thoughts would be told to me. To help him in some way? "Connor you not hungry?" I hear his mother speak. I stop looking at him. He looks up and I start to tense be nice Connor be nice please. He shakes his head. "I guess I'm not in the mood." He mumbles out. I see some tears dry up on his face. "I get it it's okay." Nicola puts in her two sense. I want to shut her up. Making my baby boy hurt like this! Who does that. "I wasn't fucking talking to you." Connor growls angrily ar her. "Connor that's no way to speak to your sister. No way in hell." Connor's mother adds. Connor laughs. "Alright you know what it isn't. So maybe a little harsher?" Connor asks himself. He stands up I touch his hand trying to calm him down. From making a rude remark. "I wish you were never born! I wish you left home when you threatened it! I hope you date marcu and he fucking hurts you so bad you come crying home and I yell and told you so and then fucking laugh at you! NIcola you know what. YOu are them! You are the people who tell me I am not good enough! You rare one of them now. One touch and you are gone! I thought I would never lose my sister to them! You know what I was so, so wrong!" Connor yells. The tears down his face. I am shocked everyone around the table stops breathing. I hear his mother breathe in. "Go to your room young man right now!" She yells. Connor just shakes his head in disbelief. "My fucking pleasure!" Connor yells without another word. He walks away and I hear him walk up the stairs not caring anymore. I hear a door slam and I look down at my hands. I wanted to stop him. Why didn't you Troye? Why didn't you stop him when you could. You could have told him to calm down yet you let him outburst like that? Maybe to get his feelings out. I never thought that would come out! He was so quiet he loved his family! What happened?
"What got into him?" Brandon asks. I want to scream out it's all Nicola's fault. They all look at me. "Do you know Troye?" His mom asks. "No ask her!" I say and point to Nicola she puts her drink down and looks at everyone. "I don't know anything." She says like nothing happened. "Bullshit you don't. Connor is angry because of you! And only you! So don't pull that on me the innocent part." I growl at her. She sighs then starts to speak. "Okay I am sorry I like someone he doesn't did I like Troye at first no! But I learned to accept him! Connor should do the same." Nicola says. I stand up and glare at her. "She is missing the one part. Marcus the one she likes bullies Connor. Do you want him coming into this house harming your son, brother? No I didn't think so. She is dating or will be dating an enemy and she doesn't care!" I yell at her. I sigh 10 minutes past and nothing changes. Everyone is just listening to my yelling and Nicola's self bitch ways. I look at them all confused. "You know what Troye maybe you should go check on your so called boyfriend to make sure he isn't doing anything bad." Nicola finally says. I look at her. Mumble something under my breath and I leave the table. I walk up the stairs slowly. I walk to the bathroom seeing no one in there. I look into all the rooms making sure Connor is no where there. The door closed. I slowly touch the handle. What if he is mad at me? What would I do if he said he is done with the relationship? I would die to be with him. I would have nothing left. Nothing to be a part of this world anymore. I couldn't live without him. I love him. I knock on the door and nothing. Maybe he is listening to music. Think the happy thoughts Troye. He wouldn't do it not yet. He couldn't do that to me. Could he? "Connor open the door please." I mumble through the door. "Go away!" I hear him yell. I sigh and I hear something being thrown at the door. I step back a little but, close enough to hear what is going on. I hear some throwing and some mumbles of shit. "Connor please." I cry out for him to open the door. He doesn't answer. I know he will open that door sooner or later. He opens the door with a bunch of shit in his arms. "Babe?" I ask concerned. With all my stuff. "Leave! Leave my home!" Connor yells at me. "Connor what just happened?" I ask worried. "Wouldn't you like to know. You tell Tyler. It's just a cycle. It really is a cycle so leave! I am tired of life!" He yells and pushes me back. I am so confused. "Connor what are you talking about?" I ask. I have no clue what he is talking about. I drop all the stuff on the floor. And look at him. "That you will tell Tyler everything." Connor says. I shake my head. What is he talking about? "No I don't and won't do that baby." I say. His eyes fall down to the floor. He looks like he just got defeated in a war. He puts his head down. I slowly walk towards him. Knowing he can't do this alone. I have to be there for him. Through the thick and thin. He is now someone who is more important than my life. That means something doesn't it?
Guys I am so sorry I haven't posted in a couple days. I have been focused on my school and I just wrote this not too long ago and now have to do homework so this will be my only update. But let me know if you guys are enjoying this story so far. I would love it if you commented your fav parts in this book so far. I love you all and *winks* Byeeeeeee

Torn Between Two
FanfictionPopular what really does that mean? I wouldn't know. I'm never labeled. that. I'm labeled the geek. The weird one. Maybe that's why I get picked on all the time. Is it my fashion? Is it the way I speak? Or is it just...... me? Connor a not so popula...