I hear an alarm and I put the pillow over my head. The alarm turns off and arms around me. I burry my face into his neck. "Time to get up." Troye says into my neck. "Ugh. School. Tyler. Tonight. All the possible things that could go bad will go bad." I say. "You have me today. Fuck Tyler if he touches you, I will tell teachers." Troye says to me. "Tro I can't do that, once he gets into trouble he will come after me and you. I can't have that happen." I say and he rolls out of bed. "Not on my watch Connie" Troye says and look into my drawer. "What can I wear?" Troye asks I walk over to him. "You can wear whatever you want." I say and grab a shirt for me and then a sweater, with some nice jeans. Tight black jeans. "Mom!" I yell and I poke my head out of room. My body covered. "Yeah?" She asks. "Every week at least one day we have to stay after class for homework. For a while to get extra help." I say lying through my teeth. "So you need me to pick you up?" My mom asks. "Yeah if you don't mind." I say trying to be nice. I hear someone walk up the steps I look over and it's my dad. He is drunk. "Cheryl!" He yells. I throw a shirt on and walk out quickly. "Don't touch her!" I yell at him and push him back. "Peter go lay down." She says nice and sweetly. "Don't touch me faggot!" He yells and is about to hit me. I close my eyes waiting for the hit, I don't feel it. I open my eyes and see my blue eyes boy holding his arm from the hit. "Don't touch him!" Troye says in front of me. "Don't tell me what to do!" He yells at Troye. I take his hand and hold it tight. "911 isn't hard to call right now." Troye says with a angry tone in his voice. I flinch never heard him sound like that, even towards me. "Whatever!" He yells and then walks back downstairs to probably to get more beer. "Are you okay?" Troye asks me. Turning around. I keep an eye on the stairs. "Ugh.... ye..yeah." I say and then realize my arms are out in this house. Fuck. "I have to get ready." I say and keep an eye on the stairs. I need to breathe. Don't panic. Troye helped you, he protected you. Troye loves you Connor. Just breathe. I open the door. I look one last time at the stairs and walk to my bed. I put my face in the pillow and start to scream. Troye protected me, he will get hurt if he tries any longer. If my father hits him, Troye will be so hurt. He hasn't kill me yet, but he will soon enough if he keeps this drinking game up. I feel a hand on my back and I jump moving away from the object. I look at the figure that just touched me and it is my sweet Troye. "Connor." Troye says I shake my head. "You can't do that help me protect me from him." I say and point to the door. "Why not he was going to hit you." Troye says and touches my hand. "It doesn't matter he will hurt you if you do it again. I can't have that. I don't need you to be my hero all the time." I say kind of harsh. He stops and then looks down. "I want to be your superman to his Lois Lane, your Spider Man to Mary Jane. I want to protect you from the monsters in your head, that keep you awake at night." Troye says and kisses my hand. I look at him. "I just don't want you to get hurt." I say and he shakes his head. "If it's for you I won't mind." Troye says. He stands up and I walk to him. We hug and then he looks at the time. "Time to survive the day." I say and Troye nods. I grab a sweater and then take his sweater and hand him mine. I throw it over my head and pull down the sweater. "It looks amazing on you." Troye says and kisses my forehead. "Troye?" I ask and he looks into my eyes. "Yeah?" He asks me. "Can we keep the relationship stuff down a notch at school I don't want Tyler and shit being on my ass all the time." I say and he kisses my nose. "Of course." Troye says and takes my hand. I grab my bag and he grabs his and we walk down to the living room. We have a good 5 minutes to spare and Troye grabs and apple and starts to eat it. "Take a bite for me." Troye says and I look at the apple. Food it will make me sick. One little bite won't hurt you Connor. Please just take a small one. I lean into the apple Troye holding it tight and I take the sweet, juicy apple in my teeth and take a bite. I chew it and then feel the coldness of the apple go slowly down my throat. I close my eyes as it goes down into my stomach. "Thank you." Troye says and we walk to the door. I grab my coat and put it on. Troye pushes me against the door lightly and kisses my lips slowly. "Excuse me." Nicola says. She comes up to me and pushes me a little. I kick her leg lightly while kissing him still. "Leave." I mumble I look at her and see her smile. I put my hand on the back of his neck and bite his lip. "The bus is coming!" Nicola yells we break the kiss and look at the road we see nothing. "Fuck you." I say and throw my beanie at her. "I am sorry that you two are making out in the damn house." Nicola says. I put my shoes on and put my beanie back on. Troye takes it off my head and smiles. "Nooo." I whine. "You will get it back eventually." Troye says. We walk outside slowly. "Can I still hold your hand at school?" Troye asks me while we walk down the driveway slowly. "Sure." I say and he smiles. I look at the gravel at the end of the road. This is where I should have ended my life. When really I have the best person by my side right now. We walk down to the bus stop no one there except my siblings. I smile and put my head against Troye's chest. He puts his arms around me. He kisses the top of my head. "Connor, Troye." My brother Dustin calls me. Holding his girlfriend's hand. "Yeah." I say not as a question I turn around. "I am really proud of you." Dustin says. "For what?" I ask worried. "For standing up to dad, and for coming out. Too all us. We heard what you said. I am sorry you are having dad on you all the time." Dustin says. I nod. "I am too Connor. " Brandon says, my sister nods. "I am happy you have Troye." Nicola says. "And Troye if you hurt my brother I will hurt you." Nicola says. Troye nods. "Don't worry I won't do that." Troye says. We wait for the bus for a little longer. I turn around and put my head on his chest again. Troye rubs my back slowly. "We will get through this day together okay?" Troye whispers in my ear. "Okay." I say and break the hug to hear the bus coming down the road. Will he go back and sit with Tyler, or will he forget about him and sit with me. The bus stops and we get on. Troye does not hold my hand, but we walk onto the bus. Troye behind me. I sit normally where I do near the front and Troye sits right beside me. I hear some yelling knowing its Tyler. "Look at that! I knew Connor was a fag!" Tyler yells. "Just ignore him." I whisper to myself. Troye looks back and I grab his hand tight. "Don't bother with him Tro." I say and he looks over at me. He nods and I rest my head on his shoulder. His arm around mine. He whispers encouraging things to me. I just keep my eyes closed. Troye's hand in mine. The bus stops and I tense up knowing this is when the jocks get on. "Oh how cute!" Mark says and pushes Troye. The bus driver doesn't care about the bullying and it makes me mad. "Tyler you see this!" Mark says and glares at Troye as he walks by. "Yeah he is a little fucking traitor after all we have done for him!" Tyler yells making sure it gets to Troye. I grab his hand. "Don't listen baby." I say and kiss his ear a little. I pull the collar up knowing about my neck and what happened last night.
"I am trying." Troye says to me. I nod and keep my eyes closed on his shoulder. He rubs small circles on my hand. The bus comes to a stop and I know it's school time. Troye slowly stands up and I do as well. Troye touches my wrist and brings the sweater down. It rides up sometimes when I move. His sweater a nice smell. It smells like him. I like it. He smells like a sweet, nice and wonderful boy. I love him. I want to say it out loud but, I am so scared it's too soon. I walk off the bus and walk up to Troye being careful not to be too far behind. I don't want to even be near anyone other than him. I walk beside him and keep my guard up. Troye reaches for my hand and I gladly accept it. When we walk into the school. People just stare. "Troye and him are a thing since when?" I hear whispers and comments bad ones. Some decent ones. But I just walk to my locker. Troye's locker beside Tyler. He walks over there and grabs all his stuff. His binders and his extra clothes. Then comes up to me. "Hey baby, can I move in with you. Put my stuff in your locker?" He asks. I nod. "Of course." I say and he hands me binders and I put them in the bottom and then take his clothes and put them at the top. "There done." I say and smile. He puts the locker door behind his back. He just watches me. "I am going to ask if I can move in art. I am done with the idiots beside me." Troye says and Troye stands in front of me. "Leave Tyler." Troye growls at him. "So I guess you chose your boy toy?" Tyler asks Troye. "First of all, fuck you Tyler Oakley, leave us both alone! Second of all, Connor is not a boy toy and if you touch him, you will fucking die." Troye says. Tyler tries to get to me. But everytime he moves Troye so he doesn't touch me. "Move Mellet!" Tyler yells. "No you touch him you die!" Troye yells. I grab his hand. "Awe how cute, protecting this fucking fat ass bitch." Tyler says and directs that at me. I just look down. "Leave!" Troye yells. Tyler laughs and walks away. Troye turns to me. "I know I am not fat. I know." I say and grab my art bag and then hand him his. I close the locker and walk down the hall. Not bothering to talk to him. I just need to think. "Connor." Troye says and grabs my hand and turns me around. "Troye not now." I say and then walk around the corner. Walking to art. "Please Connor talk to me." Troye says. I just keep walking. Troye pulls my hand back and brings me into the bathroom. "Troye!" I yell and he holds me and drags me into the bathroom. He looks around and the slams his lips into mine. I just am shocked. He is kissing me at school. Just enjoy it Connor. I thought you left me. I'll never leave Connor just enjoy it and talk to him.
Guy sorry I haven't posted in a while. I am just writing and forgetting to post but here you go. I am making them longer and soon there is going to be something big.

Torn Between Two
FanfictionPopular what really does that mean? I wouldn't know. I'm never labeled. that. I'm labeled the geek. The weird one. Maybe that's why I get picked on all the time. Is it my fashion? Is it the way I speak? Or is it just...... me? Connor a not so popula...