For a while I cry into his lap. He came to make sure I was okay that is the best thing that has ever happened to me in a while. I can't lose my mom. "I can't lose her." I say to Connor slowly. We did move to the hospital. They gave us a couch. Connor sitting up. I lay on his lap. His hands playing with my hair. "I know you can't. And you won't okay Tro?" Connor asks I nod slowly and close my eyes. "Can we cuddle?" I ask him. "Um sure." Connor says. I move my head and sit up. "Would you like a bed?" The nurse asks. "For two?" I ask and she nods. She walks away seconds later she comes back with a bed. My sister looks at me and comes to me. "Troye." She says and I look at her. The nurse gives Connor pillows and blankets. I look at Sage. "Yeah?" I ask rubbing my face. "I just want to let you know whatever happens today. I am here for you." Sage says. I nod and then walk to Connor. I sit on the bed and then look at my hands. He has his other sweater on while I have his. He lays down and opens his arms. I slowly fall into them. "I need her. Fuck dad. I need mom. If I lose her I won't have anyone to take care of me." I cry. "What's the worst thing that can happen she will get better. And if you need I have a place for you to sleep." Connor says and I nod. My head on his chest. He runs his fingers up and down my arm. "Have you cut recently?" Connor asks. "Yes." Is all I say. He nods and we lay there cuddling for a bit. "I need to know." I say and then make my face go into his neck more. I slowly fall asleep. Knowing I need my strength.
"Mom?" I yell shooting up. Connor right there my sister beside me and my brothers. "Shhh it's okay." Connor says and then holds my head and rocks me back and forth. "Is she okay? I need to know. Sage she could be dead!" I yell and then Connor kisses my cheek again. I feel the warmth in his kiss. The love in it. "She is okay. She is in good hands." Connor says. "In my dream she.... died" I whimper out. "Hey its okay just breathe okay?" Connor says and then breathes slowly. I follow his breathing. I lay back down and Connor turns to his side. Facing me one hand holding his head up the other on my arm. "I know you feel that the world is always after you but, Troye I have figured out something the past few weeks. Sometimes certain things happen for a reason just think. This happening, brought us closer. This brought us all together. I haven't seen you all in so long and it's nice to have a second family back." Connor says and then wipes my tears away. "Yeah that's true." I say and then everyone breaks away they go back around the corner. "Troye I know your scared right now. I am too. Your mom would want you to be strong for her. For everyone. She knows you can pull through it. You have pulled through so much Troye. Depression it's a bitch. We can get through it together. I know that you are scared but, be brave okay?" Connor asks me his eyes looking into mine. His green eyes filled with someone I missed. Love. Love for not just anything.........for me. "Connor?" I ask facing him. I look away for a second to see my sister looking at me. I then focus back on Connor. "Yeah?" He asks me. "Can you do me something?" I ask him and he bites his lip. He knows that drives me Wild. "Anything Troye and I mean anything." Connor says. Before I want to say it I close my eyes and then breathe out. "Can you....... Umm...." I start to say but, cut off with the taste of his lips on mine. The lips I haven't had in so long. I just melt slowly to the bed. Connor bringing the kiss from a weak kiss to more than that. My hands go into his hair. I feel my sister giggle and she taps my foot to let me know I am happy or something. I just move my foot and wave it so she can leave. Connor closes the little gap with our bodies. I then feel the love transferring to my lips. The love draining through my body starting at my head to my chest. I move my chest up and I feel a little spark go to my legs and I curl my toes. He pulls away biting it before letting it go. "Mhhm." I whimper out and the lay there my hand still in his hair. Connor puts his forehead on my chest and then breathes out. "Sorry." Connor mumbles out. "No.... Connor I loved it." I say and he lifts his head. "That is the best feeling. I felt warmth in that kiss." I say touching his lips with my finger. "The thing is I know that you haven't had anyone else that you loved on these lips which makes them pure." I say and then my hands makes it down to his neck. I keep it there. "Troye Mellet, Sage Mellet, Steele Mellet, Tyde Mellet and Mr. Franta. We have news." The nurse says. Connor stands up fast and I do as well. We run towards her. "Well..." She says. "She isn't dead is she?" I ask fast. "No she isn't dead. She is asleep but, well guys I am sorry to say she has stage 2 breast cancer." The nurse says and that's when I lose it. Falling to the ground becoming weak. The pain in my chest that was filled with love just turned to pain. I hear my family gasp and crying. Connor right by my side his face in my hair as I cry on the floor. I am going to lose her. Just like that........
Bet you don't want those hearts do you? Well I am sorry. This book is slowly coming to an end. Maybe 8 more chapters and maybe a sequel?? Ahahaha I have figured out I do want to make one. So yup! Guys sorry if this made you an emotional wreck it hurt writing so yeah. I still love all you and well *winks* byeeee.

Torn Between Two
FanfictionPopular what really does that mean? I wouldn't know. I'm never labeled. that. I'm labeled the geek. The weird one. Maybe that's why I get picked on all the time. Is it my fashion? Is it the way I speak? Or is it just...... me? Connor a not so popula...