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2017-03-25, 7:47 PM

Holy. Crap.

I swear to god, I have had enough of people talking non-stop. My head already hurts terribly from everything that's happening around me, and having people just continue to chat at excessive volumes and for such a long time makes me want to scream.

It all started earlier today when I was filling in for a teacher at this school, teaching grade 1-3 English. The kids were nice for the most part, but they were just chatting non-stop today and it's just getting to the point where I just wanted to shout at them to be quiet. Of course that wouldn't be good conduct, and I had tried tactics before--at one point I had to draw a pineapple glaring at them with a speech bubble saying "DO YOUR WORK"--but no, they wouldn't actually work! They're just chatting away like they had all the time in the world, and they kept claiming that they didn't do anything over the March Break (they had to do a writing exercise where they had to write about their March Break) and one girl complained about too much work and it's just--agh!

They were SO LOUD!

And not to mention that one girl kept clinging onto me every time she came up to me to ask me a question, so I ended up telling her not to hug me or touch me--ugh.

I swear to god, I had never felt more provoked.

And then at dinner today, I didn't want to cook because I was writing up two tribute overviews (technically meshed into one) and working on my lab at the same time, and guess who decided to just blow up about me and tell me that I'm not a person fit for society!


I have honestly never felt more provoked! Don't even ask me why my mom makes me angry--she just does!


So that's that. I don't even know if we'd ever be able to reconcile. At all.

Not to mention, she's claiming I'm playing on my phone when all I've been doing is checking my updates for social media and whatnot. That's all I've ever done! And okay, maybe I've been playing a bubble popping game but that was it. 

What does she even want from me?


I think I better finish my lab before my professor has my head.

Here's your Anger for the day:

Here's your Anger for the day:

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