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2017-06-15, 8:17 PM

NOTHING is worse than having to hear racist comments, and never did I expect to hear them in a classic game of Town of Salem just now.

You may think, "oh, it's just a computer game full of lies and deception and murder and mystery which makes it all the more fun! Basically the computer version of Mafia and Werewolf! That's nothing bad!"

Oh no. If you don't put on chat filters, then things could sting you in one way or another. 

So I was Serial Killer in the game, and my name was Orange Juice. Now, Serial Killers are a basic role in the game to understand. Every night, you get the chance to kill one person, and you're immune to attacks...unless you're burned by the Arsonist, or mauled by a Werewolf, or executed by the Jailor. But other than that, you're free to kill whoever, and in the end if you wipe the whole town out you win.

Orange Juice. Not a bad name, right? I mean, recently I was Salty Peanut, or Heather Chandler, or Fruit Punch, or Sushi Whee, or Veronica Sawyer, or Slushie (and I just realized that Dead Girl Walkin is a bad name considering that ALL the killing roles would be after me then just to make a stupid joke in their death notes). They weren't that bad of names. At least I could come up with a non-offensive name so far. And at first, things in the game were fine. Then things got out of hand.

Day 3, we went to lynch the Godfather (head organizer of the Mafia who is also immune to basic attacks). I found him first, to be honest--I tried to kill him the first night and he didn't die. Anyway, so due to that, he went up for trial, and during his defense he said: "LET'S MAKE HITLER GREAT AGAIN!"

Don't you know how freaking offensive that is? I mean, in sheer reference to the second World War, it makes me want to puke. Why put this kind of statement in there?

And then for some reason, the other players began to single me out as a dirty Jew. Not going to lie. They would have known that I was the Serial Killer by this point, but I had to lie and tell them I was a second medium (person who speaks to the dead at night to gather information to relay to the living town). I ended up killing the jailor who jailed me, and the sheriff, and then we lynched the medium who then told me the following:

"You f*cking Jew! You're a dirty Mexican Jew! You're a dirty African Jew! You're an African Mexican Jew!"

The next day, the Veteran continued.

"You're a dirty African Mexican Jew mixed with Chinese and Black genes!"

And you don't know how hard that hit me. I mean, I get offences all the time. I get offended at the smallest things all the time. I've been bullied in elementary school, but never for my race, specifically. I'd be cast out, I'd be singled out, but not because of my ethnicity. Even though I am not a Jew (rest assured, I'm sure by now most of you figured I'm Asian), I find that highly offensive.

I don't know if it's solely because of the fact that my name is Orange Juice and everyone goes for the Orange part of my name, or if it's just to single out the Serial Killer among the rest of the Town that remained (the Mafia were wiped out pretty quickly), or even the panda pet I had with me, but I felt highly offended after it. I told them to stop, but they wouldn't stop. I could literally imagine the dead people talk about it in their graves too.

"Orange Juice is a dirty unclean Jew! Get rid of her! Heil Hitler!"

(no, I can't hear them, but I can imagine them saying that.)

That is honestly the most offensive thing I've ever gone through--and here I am thinking that me almost getting sexually assaulted at the age of 14 was the worst thing that ever happened to me.

I don't understand. Why are people being such idiots nowadays? It literally took all my will not to scream obscenities back at them. And I know I shouldn't take these offences seriously, but these people playing are real people too. They are also like me, sitting behind computer screens controlling what their character does. And they're also typing out things in the chat box initiating discussion with the other town members. They have full control of what they say, but they choose to talk about racist things this time.

Honestly, I don't know what to say.

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