status: tired

25 6 2

2017-10-06, 4:01 PM

So I have a little bit of a dilemma.

I'm far too tired right now to even function, and this is not a good thing. 

I mean I have gotten sleep, it's just not enough--especially last night, when I only got 4 hours because of my remote sensing assignment. I can't plan my time for life, it seems. I mean, I can get the job done, but sometimes it just slips from my mind until the last minute and when that happens--


And yeah, I've been yawning a lot. I fell asleep a few times in class--especially just now--oh great, I yawned again--and I almost fell asleep last night during orchestra practice. I can't even think right now, if I make any errors blame it on my tired state.

Whee, another yawn just left my lips.

The bad thing is, C and I have a hangout planned today and I just recently texted him about my sleepy dilemma...and he hadn't replied to it. And the worse thing is, my phone just died so I won't know if he texted me back or anything. 

Aaaaaaand there goes another yawn.

I think the one thing I really need is just a good few hours of napping. But I can't just ditch out the hangout--the thing is, my class ends at 4:20 but C has to leave the city at 6 and if he wants to do something with me, I can't just let sleeping take up most of the time.

Crap I have no idea what to do now. 

I'm so tired right now, all I want to do is sleep much to do...argh...

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