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2017-11-19, 11:54 AM

That's it. It's over. I broke it off with C and until he gives me a good explanation as to why he's been ignoring me for one whole week, I am not going to let him back in my life.

And that's it. That's my last chance at love. That's my last chance at experimenting with romance. It's just not me. I can't see myself falling in love with anyone anymore, and if they tried, I would not hesitate to rebuff them. I can't see myself with another guy doing cliche things that couples do. I can't see myself on the altar marrying off to a guy who cares about me, because no one does.

I'm not trying to attract any sort of drama--I'm not even exaggerating. Every time I tried, they would rebuff my advances. And if it goes to be like this, then I'll do the same with them until I actually do see some sort of truth in their words. All I've been fed were lies, and I swear that C wanting to be close to me would be the last lie from a boy I would ever hear.

I'm done. I'm just done.

I pledge to never fall in love with anyone ever again.

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