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2017-04-13, 3:44 PM

So right now my stomach literally feels like a mosh pit, but in a not-so-good way. I had been hoping that three time's the charm, but this time?

I felt so tired. I felt like my brain was going to explode. Was it from lack of sleep? I was hoping not. Or over-studying? Or overload of information and stuff to worry over? Anyway, most of the questions had me scratching my head for longer than expected. Really! So by the end I was literally scrambling around (not excessively, thank goodness--now that would have been even more embarrassing) and by the time the exam period was over I was still staring at one word I had written which I had no idea whether it was correct.


If all my codes end up running serious errors--which for the most part they do--I'M SCREWED!

(*cues the sirens and the screaming*)

But on the bright side, I still have 11 more days to fully turn away from the worries of my last exam and study for the final final! No really. My last final exam in criminology is on the 24th (a day before my birthday, for a fun fact) so that's something to look forward to, I guess. On another note...holy crap. I think I'm growing old. Really old.

Teenagers, stay young while you can.


Anyway, so on that note, I'm free to roleplay, possibly update stories, put better effort in Author Games, and relax and have some fun! After all, it's never truly a sunny day without a smile on your face!


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