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2019-06-13, 10:50 AM

Some of you have seen this on my Instagram, some of you I told through various social media sites. But for anyone who hasn't yet, well, I GRADUATED!

My Convocation ceremony was 2 days ago, and my faculty's ceremony happened in the afternoon. It was a beautiful sunny day, not too hot or cold, and the traffic was actually pretty smooth. Though the trip itself took longer than usual because I wasn't the only one attending graduation. Every school was going through at least one convocation ceremony that day.

Anyway, so once we got there I got the graduation gown that I pre-ordered online when I signed in, and picked up my name card. Everyone's name card had a sequence number in which we were to line up once the time came. Overall there were more than 500 graduands getting their Bachelor's, Master's, or PhD degrees. And let me tell you, the large gym where we had the ceremony was absolutely packed. Family and friends sat on the sidelines, while the graduands and other family members who needed accessibility services sat in chairs in front of the stage.

Following the large party were the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, important University staff, and the Mace bearer carrying in the decorative University mace. Then after a few addresses and speeches, we all got our hoods.

Now, the thing with all our grad hoods at school is that each faculty got a different coloured/designed hood. Since I was getting my Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Science, I got a black hood with an orange border and a small white line along the top. We were instructed, once we got in line to go on stage, to hold the hood in our right hands while they draped it over our arms, and then we were called on stage in groups of 3. I was one of the earlier ones to go, and I had a small chat with the Chancellor while another member of the staff draped the hood over me. After that, we took more photos in front of a backdrop set offstage, and then went back to our seats.

And when the ceremony was finally over, everyone filed out and we all took photos outside. There was also a reception as well where everyone had snacks, drinks, and cupcakes all around. I picked up my diploma frames (also pre-ordered)


06-20-2019, 4:06 PM

Well, I tried to keep going with that and never really did. But anyway, long story short, I'm free. After a long day, I eventually walked with my dad to the car, picked up my mom and sis, and we went out for dinner and then headed home.

I'm not gonna include pics, but I can try to get them to you if you really want to see them.

Anyway, that's that. Here's to the future, I guess.

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