Town of Salem shenanigans

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2017-06-08, 11:45 AM

So I'm pretty sure by this point a large majority of people here know that I play Town of Salem. Yay! It's basically similar to Mafia, with great mystery and a lot of murder. Here's the link if you want to play it:

Anyway, so I had been playing it recently and ho my god, there are quite a few things that happened.

1. Lookout Loves the Mafia! (not really)

Ugh. Okay, bad title. But long story short: first night, I visited a random target who died the next day by members of the Mafia, AND got cleaned. Looking back into the chat log, two people did visit the target, and I immediately exposed them. I died the next night, but then the town won the game by the very next day. So it was a quick game. VICTORY TO THE TOWN!

2. Double-Edged Surgeon!

I won two Town of Salem All Any games back to back as the doctor at one point--I think some time last week? Either way, it made me happy. At least me being the doctor didn't turn out to be that bad.

3. The Beach Ball Consort

I was consort in one game yesterday, and every single night in the game I've been transported. I don't know why, or how, but it happened. Transported at least once, and then witched at some point too.

 Transported at least once, and then witched at some point too

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Well I didn't die, but I was still so freaking salty. And I had to take a screenshot of this because hey why not. I'll say, my most iconic line in that game was "I'M NOT A BEACH BALL."

Corrections: I have been transported 4 times night 2, and the night I rb'd myself, I was transported, not witched.

4. The Bland Jailor vs. The Salty Vet.

My last game just now, I was Jailor in a ranked practice, and god, the veteran in the game was seriously salty. I don't know why.

So you know, I was doing my job as Jailor, jailing people and interrogating them and stuff. Then I got killed night 3, resurrected night 4, and after that I kept my job up...until the Mafioso was lynched day 10. And the entire time there was this one vet who kept throwing shade at me saying that I didn't deserve to be resurrected and in the end I had to jail him one night because I could no longer stand his constant yammering and accusations against me. At one point someone said I was the arsonist--not sure if it was him, but I still jailed the vet to be sure. Turned out that one of the people I jailed was not the doctor and ended up being the Mafioso and then she said, "the jailor is an idiot." Or something like that.

I mean a lot of people kept saying that I was an idiot jailor. In the end the Town won, but they were all still like, throwing shade at me and stuff. Honestly I don't know what to make of it.

5. Hexing the Godfather.

I'll admit I didn't play my role as witch correctly two weeks ago. First night I ended up controlling the godfather and I kept controlling him since, and then kept exposing them to the town. In the end, it was down to me, the godfather, and a veteran. Veteran won for the town. And I was like, "well, that happened."

So yea, that's just about what happened recently. XDDD

You can add me on ToS if you want. I'm immortals96.


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