2: messge request

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One unread message- from Spookyjim

Spookyjim: Hey
Tylerrjoseph: um.. hi.
Spookyjim: your Tyler, right?
Spookyjim: I hope this is Tyler
Tylerrjoseph: yes... can you not tell from my username?
Spookyjim: well... haha, there could be more than one Tyler Joseph in the world...
Tylerrjoseph:  am I the only one who is bothered by the fact someone else has my name?
Spookyjim: um... I think so man!! Haha, but do you go to Worthington high in Columbus?
Tylerrjoseph: yes... who are you? I don't know anyone names Jim
Spookyjim: lol, it's not my real name, just a nickname. My names Josh, and I have been in your class since grade 3, I tried being your friend in grade 5 but you seemed really sad and anti social all the time so I held off, but I just wanted to say hey.

Tylerrjoseph typing....10 minutes ago

Tylerrjoseph: sorry, I didn't know what to say. Um, yeah I guess I kind of keep to myself.
Spookyjim: well, it's about time I change that. My name is Josh Dun, I'm 17 years old and I love cats, pasta and Taco Bell, and I play the drums for fun. I'm bisexual and I dye my hair different colours every couple moths.
Tylerrjoseph: my name is Tyler Joseph, and I love being alone because I always do something wrong and get punished for it. I wrote songs and song them, and play piano and ukulele. My hair is just plain brown, and I am very timid and soft.
Spookyjim: sounds like your an interesting guy. We should hang out tonight.
Tylerrjoseph: I can't... I'm.. busy.
Spookyjim: how about tomorrow?
Tylerrjoseph: fine... Taco Bell at 7:00?
Spookyjim: sounds perfect. See you then;)

Tylerrjoseph is offline
Spookyjim is offline

Tyler remembered Josh from when they were 10 years old. He was the only kid who didn't make fun of him for being so awkward in class and he attempted to make friends with him... but he must've given up on him when he always had his guard up and never gave him a chance. At least he's taken another attempt, even though it was through twitter. It's better than nothing. Even at age 17, his father would abuse him... clearly not quite as bad as when he was a young child, but bad enough to cause emotional trauma. His father weighed a good 200 pounds, and just sitting on Tyler's thighs was enough to hold him helpless. Tyler never had a clear mind, it was always flooded with the fear of the night, the time when he was abused and when his anxiety kicked in. Just the memory , he was only 13 years old when his face was forcefully pressed against the Dirty carpets, his rear facing up while being held down. His father would with one hand push his face down while covering his mouth and the other down his pants. That was just one of the many terrible memories that haunted his thoughts every day. Once he had to go to the doctor because his father forced him to eat dog food for a week straight. He'd shove Tyler's face in the bowl so hard he couldn't breathe, and the only way he wouldn't suffocate Is if he ate the dog food, or he would keep his face shoved in the bowl for as long as it took. Tyler often cried in the middle of class, and the teachers would question what was wrong. Tyler couldn't tell, if he did he would be punished. It's bad to tattle, as his mother always said. He would always tell them he was depressed, but not the reason why. The teachers got a professional therapist and doctor In to see him, and they put him on anti-depressants. Tyler often contemplated over dosing... cause why not? He suffered so immensely in life, maybe death would be good. Maybe his pain would end, and it's not like anyone would care, he wouldn't have to worry about breaking anyone's hearts. His parents didn't give a shit about him, he had no friends, he never even met his grandparents, aunts, uncles or cousins. So, who would care? Nobody. But he never did it... he didn't know why. Maybe he would be missing out on a good future.. or maybe he's just waiting for a good future that wouldn't happen. Maybe he'll be abused for the rest of his life. But he knew he had to keep trying... and there was no need for him to cut... his father did that for him.

Spookyjim is online @5:00

Spookyjim: hey little bean, pick you up at your place at 7 for that Taco Bell date?;)

Tylerrjoseph is online @6:16pm

Tylerrjoseph: yeah, I really need to get out of this place.
Spookyjim: why? What's wrong?
Tylerrjoseph: I'll explain when you pick me up. Just hurry.
Spookyjim: I'll come now... hope your okay:/

Spookyjim is offline

Tylerrjoseph is offline

Tyler's father was going to be home any moment, he needed josh to hurry and rescue him. This could be the day Tyler escapes his parents, he planned on telling Josh about what happens at home, since Josh seemed to be the only person Tyler could talk to. The only one who cared. Tyler knew what will happen when his father arrived home. Is was the same routine every night. He'd pull in the driveway, and Tyler would try to prepare himself for what was going to happen... but it was never enough. The feeling was like going up the hill on a roller coaster, your so anxious. Except this roller coaster, it's broken at the top. You know your going to fall to your death, and you still prepare for yourself to reach the peak of the hill.  That's what this felt like. Every night, his father would come up to his room and undress him. No matter how much Tyler struggled to free himself, his father was a 200 pound man. He was way stronger than Tyler, and Tyler was pretty much helpless. His father would slowly undress Tyler and touch him in bad places. He would sometimes even force Tyler to put his mouth on his private areas and he looked at Tyler as nothing more than a pleasure toy. Finally, Josh pulled into the driveway.

"Hey, Tyler what's wrong??"

Tyler explained everything his father had done to him, from cutting his thighs to raping him. Josh couldn't believe it, and he seemed to care with everything he had.  He broke down, he felt like he had done something to deserve this, he was traumatized. The tears flowed like beer at a wild party. Tyler was broken.

"Josh... you saved me from another night of torture. Thank you.."

Josh snapped:
"One things for sure, I'm not going to let the boy I like get treated that way by anyone, not any-" Josh was cut off by Tyler.

"Y..you like me..?" Tyler whispered.

(Authors note:)
Heyy so I don't really believe in Joshler, but I've read so many good Joshler fanfics so ehh why not? And I'm sorry if I caused you to cry with the sadness but I promise the story will get happier!

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