58: 1/100,000,000

60 3 6

The ICU is pretty intense... I guess that's why it's called the 'intense care unit'. Never thought I'd be here.... again. First he's shot, then bitten by a snake. What are the odds? The odds, they were tiny. Barely there... this goes to show that no matter how small a chance, it is possible. Never take small chances to an advantage. Just because there is a 10% chance out of 100%... that doesn't mean it won't happen. Your parents were 1/100,000,000,000,000% chance of even being born. Then 1/100,000,000% of you. Then 1/100,000% of you being born where you were and with your parents in specific. And a 1/10,000% chance of meeting everyone you meet and even them being born is 1/100,000,000,000%. You doing every single little thing you do in your life is 1/100,000,000,000,000% out of anything that you can do... and this world is only 1/100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000+ galaxies out there. It blew Josh's mind. But, here he was. Here Tyler was. Here the nurses and doctors were, in India on Planet Earth in this specific hospital treating Tyler who got bitten by a snake who had a 1/100,000,000,000% chance of being born. Think of the odds. Of the snake and Tyler and Josh being born all together. If josh wasn't born, this wouldn't have happened. Tyler would still be living with his abusive parents, possibly dead. If Tyler wasn't born, josh would be a normal guy chilling with his friends every friday and living an average life. He wouldn't have been in india right now, he wouldn't have found the love of his life. If the snake wasn't born, Tyler and Josh would be waking up right now, snuggled in close with forehead kisses in front of a view of the beautiful Indian scenes. They would have been going home tomorrow, but Josh doesn't know how this will work out. How can they go home with Tyler in Intensive Care on Life Support? How will he afford to stay in India? Unless there was a way to get Tyler back to Columbus while staying on life support in a bed... he was screwed. He swept through his messy hair with his fingers, sighing with stress. Life was so mysterious. Josh's poem-deep thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, and a doctor walking into the room.



"Umh, we have an update on your friend, Tyler."


"My apologies, sir. Right this way."

"Mhm." Josh hummed.

He walked like a lifeless zombie into the private room. 

"So. Tyler is not doing very well right now, josh."

"I can see that. He's in the damn ICU, if he was doing well he wouldn't be in this damned place."

The doctor looked nervous and uncomfortable, and kept speaking to sleep deprived Jishwa.

"He is in a comatose state. Only god knows when he'll wake back up again.."

"ANOTHER COMA?!" Josh snapped.


The doctor silenced Josh.

"Shhhh. Calm down."

"How? HOW do I calm down? I love him!" Josh started to cry. His soft little bean heart couldn't handle all this, too much had happened in the last 5 years it was crazy. First he meets a pretty bean boy in high school, rescues him from his abusive parents, falls in love with him, is forced to leave him or he'll get them both killed, finds him after 4 months, watched him be with Jenna for a long time, starts a band and goes on tour, watched Tyler get shot and be in a coma, adopts a child, looses the child to a car accident, gets married, and then Tyler gets bit by a snake and is in a coma, AGAIN. Crazy. Josh wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

"I don't know if his previous coma will have any impact on him, but there's no telling what will happen to him. If he does wake, there is a possibility that he won't be quite the same."

"What do you mean... 'quite the same'?"

"I mean personality change, he could be handicapped in different ways, he may be the same. There's no way to tell."

" are you saying he could be a vegetable? He might not make it..? Are you saying.... he might not even be Tyler Joseph anymore?"

The doctor nodded with a look of distress on his face.

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