15: protected

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Tyler didn't know why he ran... was it because he couldn't forgive Josh? Sure he loved Josh... but he couldn't find it in him to hug Josh back. He didn't know what to do... if he didn't go back over to Josh he would leave and they would loose touch again... if he went back he wouldn't know what to say. Luckily, he didn't have to go back because Josh followed him.

"Tyler.. why did you run away?? Why didn't you hug me back just now?? How have you been... how-"

"Josh." Tyler said gravely with almost no tone.

"..yes Tyler..?"

"I don't know what to think. Before I just forgive you or say anything further I need explanations."

"Okay... Tyler, I still love you. I always did, even the night I broke up with you. I really didn't want to, it pained me so much."

"Then why would you do that to me. Why would you break me inside??"

"Because, your father threatened me. He called me a couple nights before I did that to you... he told me if I didn't leave you he would Kill us. Both of us... it's not so much me I was worried about but if he hurt you again and it was because I didn't listen to him I could never live with myself... I love you so frickin much and I wish non of this ever happened. If I could.. I'd turn back time to the good old days. When you were in my arms and we were happy together. Please... forgive me Tyler I love you."

Tyler stood there looking stunned. His eyes got wet with tears, and he blinked away the tears.

"Why didn't you tell me, Josh? I went all this time thinking you didn't love me. Thinking you were better off without me and that you didn't need me."

"Tyler... I'm so sorry. Your my whole world and ever since you ran away I've felt nothing but guilt, and it was eating away at me. I lied in bed all alone, missing my little bean boy, wishing you were in my arms and crying myself to insanity every second. I never want you out of my life again... I fucking love you. With everything I have."

"... what about my father?? Won't he hurt us for being together?"

"Tyler... that's where the best part is."

"....what do you mean?!"

"Your father... he is dead, Tyler."

Tyler's jaw dropped and tears ran down his face, he didn't know what to feel... but he thinks that it's a good feeling. The man who caused him harsh flashbacks his whole life, who gave him scars on every inch of his skin, who made him want to be dead. The man who Tyler hated with every inch of him, was gone. He was worry free now.

"Josh!! He's dead??!! We... we can be together?! We... He's gone!! He can't hurt me?! He can't hurt you!! He... JOSH!"
Tyler flung his arms around Josh's neck and squeezed him like he hadn't seen him in 10 years. Josh squeezed him back with both their eyes filled with tears of joy, they were finally back in each other arms.. feeling safer than ever before. They would never have to be apart... ever again.

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