14: Journey

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So many questions flooded into Josh's mind. How would he tell Tyler? Does this mean they can be together again? Would Tyler ever take him back? Would Tyler's mother be a problem? How would Josh find Tyler to tell him? Many more questions after that came to mind too. Josh knew one thing was for sure- he must tell Tyler fast, before he moves on and doesn't want Josh anymore. If that happened, Josh wouldn't even want to live anymore. Tyler was his everything, even though it had been 4 months since they have spoken even a word to each other, not even through screens. It could be an eternity without speaking and Josh would always have him in the back of his mind, they were soul mates... but Tyler's father ruined that. Josh suddenly had a thought: Tyler's father had been struck. With Karma. He was dead, after all these years of torturing Tyler he was locked up, and died before even getting a chance to harm Tyler again. Josh hoped he suffered a horrible, painful and slow death... it wasn't like Josh to have those thoughts but when it came to the love of his life, Tyler, he would do anything for him. And when someone hurts his little bean boy, he hopes they suffer good. Josh had been so lost in thought that he almost forgot- he had to find Tyler. He knew it would be impossible but he must, he couldn't live the rest of his life knowing they could be together and never knowing if he was even alive. This was a new journey for Josh to endure, and he wasn't planning on giving up. He'd die before giving up... time to go find the love of his life. Josh knew it wasn't realistic to just drop everything and go- but he did. He ran to the door, slipped on his vans and grabbed his jacket with his keys and some money. He ran swiftly to the car and started the engine. As he backed out of his driveway, he got a hopelessly lost feeling. What if he was searching for Tyler... but he isn't even alive? What if he finds out something terrible happened to him? Where would he even start? Josh knew Tyler well, if he tried to loose Josh, he'd go somewhere tricky. Somewhere Josh wouldn't go. There weren't many places like like Josh could think of, so he started from town to town, each town took 20+ minutes to travel to. He started three towns down, and worked his way back home and then three towns the other way. He searched and searched, from 9:56pm all the way until 8:18am the next morning, non stop driving town to town down every last street and calling every last place to see if they'd seen him. The only thing keeping him going at this point was the crappy cup of coffee he had a couple hours ago, it kept him from falling asleep after a whole long night of chasing after his little bean boy, and for all he knows he might not even be alive.  Josh had searched every last street, store and alley way for his beloved Tyler, and nothing. The closest he got was seeing a single bean laying all alone on the sidewalk by a Thai restaurant. Josh had been driving for 14 hours at this point, only fuelled by now 2 cups of coffee and one donut, when he spotted a Taco Bell two towns down. He knew he wouldn't get results, because no matter how many of the countless stores he's been to he never got positive results. He was starting to doubt finding his life... but he's no good without him. He prayed Tyler didn't forget about him... even when he doubted him. Even when he doubted that Josh loved him... he didn't want him to move on. Josh pulled into the parking lot of the Taco Bell and walked slowly yet eagerly to the cashier.

"Hello, sir. What can I help you with today." The ginger woman said chipperly from behind the counter. She was very pretty.

"Hey.. uhh,  I know this sounds weird but have you seen a man named Tyler Joseph that your aware of?"

The beautiful ginger woman looked at Josh with narrowed eyes, and she crossed her arms.

"I...I'll speak to the manager..."

Josh waited patiently at a table for two, looking like the bachelor in your dreams. He bounced his legs tediously fidgeting, trying not to freak.

"Hello, mister. I am the manager, and I would like to speak to you about an inquiry you made on a man named Tyler Joseph?"

"Yes... you see, he's my boyfriend... well... ex boyfriend... and I need to find him. It's very important and I'd rather not share why I need to find him."

"Yeah we've got info alright."

Josh's eyes widened with joy and surprise. They knew Tyler?? They had information?? Josh liked what he was hearing, and motioned for the manager to spill it.

"But... the thing is, sir, for Tyler's safety we must ask you some questions before giving you this information. Tyler was an employee here about three weeks ago, and now works somewhere else. Before I tell you where, you must answer these questions. For all I know, you could be tracking him down to murder him! So, you ready to answer some questions?"

Josh was annoyed, he wasn't here to play trivia. He was here to find Tyler, get him back in his arms and for everything to be okay again like it hasn't been for 4 months.

"I guess... hit me."

"Okay, 1: why are you looking for mister Joseph?"

"Well... you see, his father abused him as a child and I saved him. But, his father called from jail one day and threatened to kill me and even him if I didn't break up with him. So I did, I didn't want to, but I did just for his own safety. He was so heartbroken, he ran away and now I can't find him anywhere and Ive been up all night searching every town in Ohio to find this man. He's the man I love and I must find him, his father is dead so we can be together again. Please please sir I'm begging you to tell me!"

"Wow... that's quite the touching story. First, one more question."


"What do you plan on doing when you find Tyler?"

"I plan on making everything better,  telling him I'm sorry, telling him how much I love him and taking him home to be in my arms again."

"Well... okay. Okay, follow me."

The manager lead Josh into a private room to distribute the information. The manager told Josh where Tyler was working now (the apartment building) and Josh assumed he'd be there right now. Josh thanked the employee who helped him out and the manager who gave him the information. Josh drive for another 7 miles and reached his destination, Tyler's apartment building. He slowly exited the car, and entered the building. He walked to the counter and took a large gulp and deep breath before ringing the small service bell. He rang it, and stood patiently expecting to see an employee. He'd ask for Tyler... but the employee had come to the counter. Before they could reach Josh, they froze. It was Tyler. Tyler dropped all the papers he held in his hands and froze, tears welling up in his eyes. Josh started to sob frantically and hurried his face in his hands. Tyler stumbled back and didn't know what to do, he hadn't seen Josh in 4 months. He knew he still loved Josh.. but he didn't know if e could forgive him for doing what he did. Tyler stared. Josh went around the desk and paced towards Tyler, going in for a hug. Tyler hesitated... and ran.

Why didn't he hug Josh back?

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