7: Relentless

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"I'm sorry Tyler... I didn't mean to say it. These people were calling you suicidal and... I couldn't stand it! I had to stand up for you, I didn't mean to say it. I'm so sorry."

"Josh... it's okay. I told you... it is a little embarrassing I'll admit but maybe now people will understand why I was so anti-social and at least now my parents can't do anything to me again. Their locked up, I'm safe and it's all because of you. Thank you, Josh. Stop saying your sorry."

"I am, though. Like.. what if you did get mad? I shouldn't have said anything it wasn't my place to say anything. It was yours.. so I'm still sorry."

"Okay, I get it. Now stop, or I'll have to make you stop."

Josh smirked.

"Oh yeaaa... and how are you going to do that, sir?"

"Like this."

Tyler pushed josh into the sofa and pinned him down while kissing him. Wow, josh had never seen that side of Tyler. They kissed and kissed and tickled each other and kissed some more until they heard a knock on the door.

"Don't gooooooo" whined Tyler, wanting Josh to stay in his arms.

"I gotaaaaa I'll be right back thoughh."

Josh walked around the corner and out of Tyler's sight to the front door. Tyler stretched out on the couch waiting for Josh to come back and cuddle him, but something unexpected happened.

"Where is my fucking son. That little faggot, got me fucking locked up. You think I'm gonna stop, now?? I'm gonna finish that little dick sucking man whore and if you try anything I'll shoot you." Tyler's father had escaped from the police station, but now??? That's not what mattered, he was here and he was armed.

"Oh my god.. I... Tyler isn't here, sir."
Josh was terrified. He wanted to just tell for Tyler, but that would just make everything worse. Josh proceeded to shut the door and lock it to call the police but Tyler's father aimed the gun at Josh.

"I know he's fucking here. WHERE IS MY SON?"

Tyler was getting impatient and just wanted cuddles from josh again. Shirtless, Tyler walked over to the door where Josh was held at gunpoint and stretched his arms.

"Jooooshyyy come back to- DAD???!!"
Tyler screamed. How was his father here, he was in prison!! Tyler remembered all the terrible things his father put him through and he couldn't hold back him panic. He started to breathe unsteadily and his anxiety lashed out. He fell to the ground at the sight of his father threatening to kill the love of his life and couldn't do anything about it. That helpless feeling came back. His father lowered the gun.

"There you are, son. Now... I'm going to give you two choices."

"PLEASE, don't hurt Josh!! Dad, I'm begging you please I'll do anything just don't, please dad don't I love him please just don't hurt him!!" Tyler pleaded and pleaded with tears flowing like crazy. He was surprised there wasn't an ocean of his tears already.

"Your choices- come with me and Josh will be fine. If you don't, I will fucking shoot him in the face. You have 5 seconds, boy."

Tyler crawled over to his father and stood to his feel bawling his eyes out. His father lowered the gun from Josh's targeted face and grabbed Tyler by the back of the next and threw him to the ground. Josh fell to the ground feeling as helpless as 6 year old Tyler getting raped at 1:00 in the morning.

"Don't hurt him again, please!! Please!! PLEASE!!!!!" Josh screamed until his voice cracked and his throat burned.

Seconds before Tyler's father was about to kick Tyler to death, the police showed up.

"Put your hands where I can see them!"

----after Tyler's dad was taken away----

"He's not going to stop, Josh. He's relentless. I got him locked up... he'll never stop. He'll get his revenge.. he'll never. Ever. Stop."

"Tyler, I'll make sure that never happens again... I would never let anyone hurt you. Never again. Ever. I'll die before anyone hurts my little bean boy. I love you Tyler."

"... I know this is a bad time but you wanna get back to snuggling with me... maybe it will take our minds off of this whole thing. I could really use some time in your arms... it makes me feel safe.."

"Come one, let's go have a bath. I'm kind of cold."

Tyler knew this wasn't over. If he knew his father correctly: he wouldn't give up. Ever.

He was never safe.

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