4: Hero

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Tyler was shaking... this was the last time he would be abused by his family. He lied in bed, waiting for his mother or father to enter the room. He tried to prepare himself for what he knew was coming... but it never made anything better. As Tyler finally drifted off with bad thoughts in his mind, he was woken up by a cold touch on his neck. God, he hates it when people touch his neck.. it was so fragile to cold hands. He didn't open his eyes fast enough to realize what his father was about to do to him. All of a sudden, Tyler's eyes widened... they seemed to pop out of his head as the pressure around his neck got tighter and tighter. His air pipes were slowly closing, and he feared his neck would break. Tyler wheezed and struggled for air, getting weaker and weaker by the second. His face turned bright red and a vain stood out in the side of his temple. He was helpless, he barely had any life left in him to struggle, as he slowly started to close his eyes. The pressure so suddenly released from his neck, and Tyler took the deepest breathes he had ever taken in his life, he never thought he would be so grateful for air. The air he lacked for almost a whole two minutes. Tyler coughed and wheezed and gasped, he did everything he could to make his breath steady again.
"Serves you right, kid. You dick sucker. This is your goddamn punishment, you piece of SHIT." Tyler never knew why he was being punished... but he must have done something, right? He wouldn't be punished for nothing... right? His neck had blue and black bruises all around, and he could barely move his head. Right when he though he was done being punished until morning, his mother came in with the whip. The whip that targeted his vulnerable scars and gashed them even more until he bled. Tyler hated the whip almost as much as he hated his life: he just wanted to be dead. Even if Josh saved him, his parents would contact the police as if they've done no damage and demand their son be found and brought home. It was useless.  "Ready, Tyler? One, two, THREE!" Tyler's thigh bled. His scar was gashed open. The blood dropped down his leg onto the hardwood floor. Tyler held back his tears, he just thought about Josh. Think about josh, think about Josh. Everything will be okay when you see him. Just think. About. Jo-

"ONE. TWO. THREEEE!!" This whip was different. It slashed Tyler's face.. the impact felt like one of the worst things he's felt since he was 10 years old.  "JOSH!!" Tyler screamed in pain. Why did he yell Josh? Why didn't he just scream with pain? Why 'Josh'? He looked up at his father, looking more furious then before. "Ya hear that, Margery? This boy is screaming to his boyfriend. What a fag, I thought I raised you better, boy." His father kicked him right in between the legs as hard as he could, them left Tyler in his room to suffer alone. Being alone was better than being around his parents. Tyler fell to the ground in pain, and curled up in a ball crying all alone. Just waiting for Josh to come save him from his fate. 

Tylerrjoseph is online @8:17am

Tylerrjoseph: Josh please come get me... please
Tylerrjoseph: I'm sorry, I'm annoying you

Tylerrjoseph is offline

Spookyjim is online @8:43am

Spookyjim: I'm so sorry I was asleep... Tyler your not annoying I love talking to you. What's wrong?? I'm on my way.
Spookyjim: leaving now!

Tylerrjoseph is online @8:50am

Tylerrjoseph: hurry please

Tylerrjoseph is offline

Tyler ran outside as soon as he was able to stand again, and limped his way to the porch to watch for Josh. His leg, still bleeding stung so bad he could barely walk. He prayed Josh hurried, before his parents caught him trying to leave. If they saw him, they'd punish him good. Josh pulled up in front of the house, and Tyler started to walk over when his father swung the front door open.
"Where do you think your going, Faggot?? Your grounded." Tyler froze... he didn't know if he should keep going to the car or listen to his dad. What if his dad beat him for trying to leave? Josh rolled down the window and yelled, "sir, I'm your sons boyfriend and he's coming with me." Tyler's father, Chris, looked furious. He grabbed Tyler's arm and proceeded to drag him inside, when Josh leaped out of his car and ran over to Chris and Tyler. "Get the fuck away from my son, you've clearly confused the little cock sucking faggot." Josh looked hurt. "No, dad! I love Josh!!" Josh looked over at Tyler, and ripped him free from his fathers grip. "Run to the car, Tyler. RUN!" Chris grabbed Tyler's arm before he could run, and Josh punched the drunken man in the face. Tyler ran for his life to Josh's car, followed by Josh himself.

"Josh... I'm so sorry... thank you!" Tyler sobbed into Josh's shoulder. Josh pulled Tyler close and comforted him, and they completely forgot that they had to pull out of there before Tyler's dad ran to the car too. Josh, with Tyler still hugging him, pulled his car into gear and sped off before anything else happened. They drove in complete silence for 5 minutes, with Tyler holding onto Josh Dun.

"Do you really... love me?" Josh finally pierced the silence.

"Oh, you heard that..?"

"Yeah.. you kind of sort of yelled it. Loud."

"Well I didn't really mean to say it.."


Josh looked sad that Tyler didn't mean to say it. Maybe even disappointed.

"But I do tend to say things I don't mean to say when I feel it.. it's kind of a verbal-diarrhea... I didn't mean to say it... that doesn't mean I didn't mean it."

Josh smiled and bit his lower lip. They pulled up into a random parking lot.

"I can't keep saving you, Tyler. We need to keep you out of that house. You can NOT go back there. I won't let you, I-"

Tyler couldn't stop himself. When Josh got worried about Tyler, it made him feel so loved. He shut Josh up and kissed him gently on the lips.  They slowly pulled away, and Tyler blushed.

"So... about that offer you made, Josh... yes. I would gladly move in with you."

Josh smiled bigger than he ever did, and was so happy to finally save Tyler from his torture.

"But... how will I get any of my stuff? My dad will beat me up if he knew I was escaping..."

"I'll help you. I'll be there with you every step of the way. I'll protect you, Tyler."

Tyler looked and the ground and smiled.
Josh turned the engine of his car back on and drove back to Tyler's house to get his essentials.
Tyler's fathers car was not in the driveway, so they snuck in trying to avoid Tyler's mother. She was passed out on the couch from drinking and drugs, so they stayed quiet so she wouldn't wake up. Tyler swiftly grabbed his tee shirts, pants, his tooth brush, deodorant and every other thing he would need to move out. Josh had one bed, but they figured they could share. Tyler slowly walked down the hallway, looking around that place for the last time. The place he had gone through so much pain. Emotional and physical. He was never coming back. The thought of that made him feel warm in the inside. He was free.

"Josh?" Tyler said once they were back in the car.

"Yes, Tyler?"

"You saved me... your my hero."

Josh blushed, and glanced over at Tyler sitting peacefully in the passenger seat. He saved Tyler. He saved beautiful Tyler. Josh bit his lip and smiled at Tyler when he noticed Josh staring.

"I love you, Tyler."

"I love you too, Josh."

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