48: beep

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"JOSHY!!" Jolie screamed in a mixture of laughter and seriousness. Josh was tickling his new little girl, and they had so much fun together. As josh and Jolie had their bonding time with a tickle fight, Tyler sat in the living room, just looking out the window blankly at Josh and Jolie. Tyler was so glad that Jolie was a part of their love now, and he knew he would always love her almost as much as Josh.. but he fears that having this child will make josh more distant from Tyler. Tyler was always so gloomy, but when Jolie was in kindergarten him and Josh would have the whole day to cuddle and be together. Tyler wasn't sure if he was ready for a kid now, he loved Jolie like he truly did, but wasn't sure he was capable of caring for her properly. Josh seemed to be really good at the parenting thing, though. Josh tucked Jolie's thin blonde hair behind her ear after making sure her hair was nice and done for her first day of school, and he kissed her on the forehead as Jolie walked over to give Tyler a hug goodbye. Josh was teary eyed. They were happy and proud tears, of course. Tyler squeezed Jolie in his muscular arms and kissed her cheek and let her excitedly skip off to the bright yellow school bus where she met her older bus buddy and drove off down the roads of their small hometown. Josh and Tyler were on break from their music career, it probably wasn't a great idea because their fans were disappointed and they were just taking off... but they had responsibilities and a child now. When the bright yellow vehicle full of screaming school kids was out of sight, Josh looked over at Tyler and smirked slightly. Tyler grinned mischievously back at josh as josh grabbed Tyler's hand and ran inside their small house, Josh's house. They entered the front door and Josh pushed Tyler onto the couch and dove into his chest, kissing Tyler passionately. They made love to each other, sharing their emotion toward each other and forgetting everything for moments spent loving each other. Right when Tyler and Josh were getting heated, the phone rang in Tyler's pant pocket from on the floor. Josh got off Tyler and let him attend to the phone, and Tyler pressed the green accept button.


"Tyler Joseph? Or Joshua Dun?"

"Yes, Tyler."

"Tyler? Hello, this is Clinton Elementary. We have sent police to the scene so please do not try to help. Your child has been hit by a moving vehicle while attempting to cross the road to get to the front entrance of the school and Jolie is in the hospital now. We have sent police your way to escort you there.. she's in critical condition, you will get more information from the doctors when you arrive at the hospital."

Tyler couldn't choke up the words, as a stale, cold, look of shock spread across his face. Josh looks concerned, and wanted to ask what was wrong. Tyler finally threw up the words with a shaky voice, holding back his tears.

"Um... oh my god... oh my god... is... is she okay... is she.."

"She is in the ICU, sir. As I said, the information will be furthered to your knowledge when you arrive. Please stay calm and stay safe, thank you and sorry for this."

The call disconnected, and all Tyler heard was the beep of the empty phone line. The same beep as he would be hearing at Jolie's bedside in the ICU.

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