56: common krait

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"Ready to go, Ty?" Josh said in an excited tone, he couldn't wait to go hiking with Tyler on their second day in the Indian wilderness. India was beautiful... but to Josh, nothing was more beautiful than Tyler.

"Your pretty." Josh stared out of the blue and took Tyler by surprise.

"I am?" He questions.

"Yes. Very very."

"Well, your handsome."

"Well, your perfect."

Tyler couldn't top that one, so he blushed and kissed Josh's cheek before lifting his trail mix into a backpack and filling his water bottle for their long Indian Hike. Tyler grasped Josh's hand and guided him down the narrow hallways of the hotel. It was hot out, 28 degrees to be precise. Josh slid on his sunglasses that were rested over his pink hair and glared back at Tyler, still holding his hand. Josh opened the rental jeep door for Tyler like a gentleman, and Tyler kissed his cheek gently before hopping into the passenger seat. The engine ignited like their love for each other, and the jeep sped off towards the wilderness of India.

When they finally reached their destination after an hour or so of driving in the raw humid weather, Tyler let out a sigh of relief.

"Finally, fresh air."

Josh smiled at him and his random remark, and continued to unload their backpacks from the trunk of the white jeep. The Indian wilderness was so beautiful. Something about it seemed... bipolar? The dusty sand layers below their feet blew grains of sand across the surface of the earth, and only about 20 meters away was lush green forest and mountains, filled with rocks and a few dry patches with some long grass and rocky areas. It was amazing. The two stared in awe for a moment, then proceeded to go on their hike together.

"Dude, are we hiking?"

"I guess so!"

"This is SICK!"

"So sick!"

The boys laughed and continued their way down the path towards their fate. The hike was full of laughter, love and joy. Josh hopped up onto a large rock, using his muscle to climb to the very top and sit. He looked down at Tyler, who looked helpless at the bottom.

"I CAN DO IT!" Tyler yelled up at Josh.

"Let's see you go!" Josh said, teasing Ty. Tyler placed one hand on the ledge of the large rock, and with his fit build was able to pull himself the rest of the way up and sat right next to Josh.

"Wow, I'm impressed." Josh hummed.

Tyler giggles and takes out his backpack. He starts to munch on his peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"I wonder if they have a Taco Bell here?" Tyler joked. Right when Tyler finished his sentence, he feels something sliding across his foot. He squirmed and flinched at the sight of a brownish looking snake slithering around his feet. Ty's reaction must have scared the snake, because it jumped up and sunk its fangs into Tyler's leg.

"OUCH!" Tyler yelped, it didn't really hurt that much, just scared him.

"Oh my god... Tyler are you okay?"

"Yeah.. it didn't really hurt. I'm fine."

"Are you sure... if you feel weird or anything please let me know, okay Ty?"

"Why would if feel weird?"

"Well what if it's... venomous?"

"If it was, it would have hurt."

Josh nods in agreement, looking slightly concerned. The two finished their lunch and started packing up their bags, getting read to head back to the jeep and go for dinner.

Tyler wore his hair in a mess, but it was a fluffy cute mess. Josh's hair was, too. Two messy haired boys going out for some Indian food on their honeymoon. As they were seated at their table, Tyler grabbed his abdomen in pain.

"Tyler, you ok?"

"Yeah... probably just... gas."

"Okay, go to the restroom if you need."

"I'm ok baby."

They ate their meal and had a great day together.

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