45: Heroic

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Josh stared at Tyler, then at the man, then back at Tyler again. Did Tyler really just do that... hit the man? Josh never saw it coming, Tyler was such a soft little bean.

"What the fuck, man?" The man screamed at Tyler.

"YOU ARE EVIL. How could you hurt that little princess. I'll have you know this won't slide. I will be calling someone about this."

"No. You will not. It's up to my wife and I to raise this child, not some strange man who hits other men."

"And you know what? I will do what I want. I've been pushed around my whole life and I'm not gonna let you hurt this child."

"We don't need your life story."

"At least I have a life to talk about."

Josh's jaw dropped.

"TYLERRR!" He laughed because Tyler dissed the man so bad, and the mans cheeks went red. He clearly didn't have any comeback.

"We are not children, we don't need to be using dissing to solve problems."

"You say we aren't children, well man up. Stop being a coward and beating your child! It's clear you hurt her, she told us and you can see it!"

The man looked at Tyler in annoyance and rolled his eyes.

"This isn't a parenting class."

Before Tyler could do anything further, Josh grabbed his arm and held him back.

"Sorry, sir. I'll handle him. Good day." Josh stepped in and said to the man, still with a firm grip on his child's arm. He proceeded into his room with the girl, crying and staring at Tyler as if silently begging for help. Tyler couldn't let this go unsolved, it was too painful. He knew what she was going through..  he knew abuse all too well.

"Josh! Why would you do that?? We have to do some-"

"Stop, Tyler. It's hard I know... but hitting people won't fix this!"

"Okay, then let's call someone?"

"Okay, Tyler. You stay here and make sure they don't flee this place and I will go and call someone."

Tyler nodded in agreement, feeling heroic for helping a child in need.  He's never really been able to help anyone before other than doing dishes. He couldn't even fend for himself let alone other people... so this made Tyler feel good. He watched the door carefully, and josh ran back down the hall.

"I called the police. I told them GreenPath Hotel, Room 8. Correct?"

"Correct. Now we wait." Tyler said.

About 15 minutes passed and two police officers arrived.

"We will inspect the room, then we will inspect the child and ask some questions." Said the female officer, then the two boys nodded. The police knocked on the hotel room door, and when the man opened the door to see two police officers, he glared at Tyler and Josh with the most evil look you'd ever see. Like he was going to pull out a weapon and attack. Tyler didn't like that look, but at least he got to help a child in need.

I'm sorry this chapter was so short!!! The next one will come out any time between today and tomorrow night. We'll see!!! Thanks for reading:) also, comment if you ship joshler or jyler more in this fic!

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