44: Jolie

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"What do you mean????" Josh understood what Tyler said, but needed clarification.

"Josh. She is dead and it's all my fault. She ended her life because I just picked up and left her."

"How do you know it's your fault-"

"Who else's fault would it damn be Josh?!"

Josh stare at Tyler for a moment. He was right.. maybe it was because of him. But that didn't make it his fault, it's not like he knew she was going to do that.

"Tyler... who told you about this? How did you find out?"

"I... I don't know..."

"Tyler, what do you mean you don't know?"

"Nobody told me... but I can feel it."

"Well here, Tyler, let me phone her to make sure she is alright."

Josh picked up his gold iPhone 7 and dialled Jenna's number. Tyler, still crying, had tears flowing and he was a mess.

"Hello?" A females voice answered the phone.

"Hey, Jenna?"


"Your okay?"

"Uhh yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"Ty said you were dead?! I found him crying in the corner this morning saying you killed yourself because of him?"

"What? That's crazy.. why would he say that? Doesn't sound like my boyfriend."


"Yeah... why?"

"Never mind, I have to go comfort Ty. I'll tell him you say hello."

"Okay then, bye Josh."

"See ya Jenna."

Josh was worried, and he looked worried.  He turned to Tyler and just looked at him before saying anything.



"Jenna says hello. She is okay. Um.. what's wrong?"


"You didn't break up with her yet?"

"Well... um, uhh.."

"How could you? You basically just cheated on Jenna, you DID just cheat on Jenna. You said you broke up with her and-"

"It must have been a dream or something. I really did think I broke up with her. Truly. And I really did think she was dead. Guess it was all a dream.. I can't be sure. I'm sorry Josh, I really a-" Josh interrupted Tyler's shaky nervous apologies with a quick kiss. 

"It's okay, Ty. But make sure you do it soon... I don't like the idea of being a mistress. Haha." Josh slightly joked.

"Okay, I'll do it before we leave later. I promise."


"I swear."

Josh helped Tyler up out of his chair and the two went to start packing their things to get back to Ohio. As they grabbed the key to their room and locked the door, Tyler heard a scream from down the hall. A small child was standing at the other end of the hall and she was screaming. Josh was never really good with these situations and neither was Tyler, but the both of them ran towards the distressing child as fast as they could. The child was closely resembled to Tyler's child when he was in a coma from his dream. Strange? But he didn't care. That's when a tragic flashback struck him. The child had a bruise on her face, and that's when Tyler flashed back. He dropped to the ground bawling his eyes out.

I was just an innocent child. All I ever wanted was to live live any other kid my age.. but I could see clearly that was not going to happen any time soon. I sat in the cold outside. It was so cold, I was surprised I was still alive. My whole body was numb, and I was shivering. The only thing that kept me going was a towel from the bathroom. I lied in the damp grass staring up at the starry night. Tears fled my eyes and the stars fled the sky's as a cloud rolled over and made the dark night darker. The back door slid open, and my father stepped outside. I sat up quickly, hoping he wouldn't hurt me. I wanted to scream.. maybe someone would save me if I screamed. Maybe they would hear my desperate cries for help and save me. I didn't hesitate- but it was a huge mistake. I screamed "HELP!" At the top of my lungs until my throats burned and I quenched for water. My father stared me dead in the eye... it was like staring death in the eyes. I was seeing my own demise. Before I could blink again, his fist met my face with a great force. My nose bled and my eye swelled, turning black and blue. He grabbed my towel and locked the door behind him, once again leaving me all alone at night in the cold cold grass with blood on my face and hands. I never slept that night.

Tyler snapped out of it. The sight of the child triggered his memories. The painful ones he wanted to forget. The child was crying, and Josh looked like he was in a panic. He was just staring at the crying 4 year girl old and the crying 28 year old man. He looked distressed too, so Tyler put on his big boy pants and helped Josh.

"Hey sweetie, what's your name?What's wrong? Where are your parents?" Josh said innocently to the child.

"I-I'm Jolie... is My mommy and daddy are in the room." She was still crying, pointing to the room across the hall. Number 8.

"What happened to your eye?"

"My mommy said that I was bad and she, she used her hand to hurt my face." The girl could barely get out her words without being interrupted by sobs. Tyler looked up at Josh with wide eyes and fear in his eyes. He recognized every word the child said like he lived it himself. This girl... she was being abused.

"One second sweetie, stay right here." Tyler said, pulling Josh aside.

"Josh... I know this all too well. She is being abused..."

"Just.... just like you..?"

"Yes, josh. We can't leave her. I know how devastating her situation is and I can't not help her. Please Josh, help me do something."

"I agree... but what do we do? We can't just-" Josh was interrupted by the child crying harder. He looked back to see the child's father grabbing her by the arm harshly and throwing her in the room.

"Hey!! Stop, right now!" Tyler spoke loudly, almost screaming at the girls parents.

"Excuse me, and who are you, sir?" The father said sassily.

"That's not the concern here. You have the heart to hit that innocent child?"

"It's called discipline there, dad."

"No. It's called abuse. I've been there."

"And what makes you think your qualified to tell me how to parent my own child?"

Tyler couldn't stand this man. He couldn't help it... he was not a violent man.. but he couldn't stop himself...

WHACK. Tyler punched the man to the ground.

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