46: Family

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The police spent a rough hour in room number 8 of GreenPath hotel in honk Kong. Josh and Tyler waited patiently outside the room, occasionally kissing each other. They stayed close to comfort each other, and prayed everything worked out perfectly. That's when Tyler remembered that he had to tell Jenna about him and Josh. How would he tell her? He didn't know... but he pulled out his phone. He was going to do it over text, it made him feel like a jerk but he was too sensitive and soft to say it with his mouth and his voice.

Tyler: Hey Jenna.

Jenna: Tyler!! I haven't talked to you since you left the hospital! I wish i could have come and seen you! I miss you so much baby.

Tyler: miss you too... but there is something I have to tell you.

Jenna: yes ty?

Tyler: me and josh slept together last night.... and I love him. I love you, but something inside me tells me it's not right to be with you when I love josh. I'm so sorry, I feel like a complete ass. I really hope we can still be friends, Jenna. Like we used to be... you really are an amazing person. And I do love you.

Jenna: oh.. you slept with him? Before breaking up with me? So you basically cheated on me..?

Tyler: it's sounds terrible.. and it is when you put it that way. I'm so so sorry Jenna I never want to hurt you.

Jenna: I understand. We can be friends and hang out and stuff?

Tyler: of course. I'll never forget you.

Jenna: k.

Tyler: your mad.

Jenna: well what do you expect me to be happy??

Tyler: no... I'm sorry. I'll give you some space.

Jenna: yeah you do that.

Tyler: I'm sorry

Jenna: *opened 5 minutes ago*

Tyler felt like the world was lifted off his shoulders... yet he was sad. He felt terrible for hurting Jenna, he knew how much she loved him. He knew the only thing he could do about it now was what he always did, what he did best. Cry. He planted his face in his hands and josh immediately dove to him to comfort him, but before Tyler could shed a tear the police exited the apartment with the little child.

"Hello again, so we must confiscate this child from its home. We found multiple illegal drugs so more officers will arrive to take them under arrest and now we must find a home for this young girl. She-"

Tyler interrupted the officer, "We will take her!"

Josh quickly jerked his head to look at Tyler and he looked confused and almost annoyed at the same time. He paced to Tyler who was already close and proceeded to pull him aside.

"One moment, officer." Josh said firmly.

"Tyler.... what are you doing?!"

"That child, it's perfect. Josh, me and you are going to be together forever. I love you more than anything and I think it would be so amazing to raise this little girl with you.  I fricken love you. Please.... we could use a little feminine energy in our place." Tyler said so passionately, Josh couldn't help but smile.

"Well... I guess that is true... but shouldn't we have discussed this further?"

"Josh, she's the one. Can't you feel it too? I feel some sort of attachment already. Leaving her forever would not feel right."

Josh nods.

"Your right Tyler... I feel the same way actually... ok. Let's do it. I love you."

Josh shed a tear, and Tyler joined him with a huge hug and a kiss. They went back over to where the officers were standing and they stood tall side by side. 

"Sir... we will take her." They said in unison.

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