37: Josh

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Tyler's eyes widened. His jaw dropped. The first time he'd been truly happy since Josh. He jumped up and down, grabbing his hair.

"No. Way. Jenna, seriously?? No!"

"Tyler, I'm not kidding. 5 weeks pregnant."

Tyler cried like he usually did, but for the first time in forever they were happy tears. He was overwhelmed with Joy. He would finally be the father his father wasn't. He would be the father he never had, he would be a better father than his own. He swore, his little baby will have a great childhood. The one Tyler never had. He jumped up and down for five minutes and couldn't help but smile so huge.



"It's name. Josh."

"Tyler, that's an amazing idea baby.. but what if it's a girl?"

"That's okay, a girl named Josh. It's original, it's unique. It's adorable."

"Yes, i love it Ty. It's... it's perfect."

Jenna and Tyler's feelings of joy were emerging, and they could feel each others love. Tyler ran into Jenna and squeezed her as hard as he could, Jenna's face squished into Tyler's chest. Tyler rocked Jenna back and forth and back and forth with care, protecting her fragile frame. Tyler couldn't believe this was happening... his whole life had gone terribly wrong and this baby would fill the hole in his heart. Tyler was going to be a father.

I know this chapter is SUUUPER short ahh but I'm making a new update soon I promise I will tomorrow or the day after!!! I just needed something to make me feel active lol. I'll update soon, sorry for the short ass chapter.

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