42: Twist

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Tyler was more confused than he'd ever been before. Why was he in a hospital? What did he even do? Nobody shot him, last thing he remembered was that he was in the men's room after an attempt to propose to Jenna. Where was Jenna anyway? Wouldn't she be there beside Tyler? That's when Tyler heard the door crack open. Maybe it was Jenna and his child? Tyler lifted his head to see, and what he saw brought him to many emotions. He was  filled with so much joy, confusion, and other emotions he just couldn't explain. Every emotion except for one: negative. He was overwhelmed with happiness. How was this even possible?

"Josh?" He squeaked softly, his voice cracking. It was so quiet it wasn't even a whisper.

"Tyler!! Your alive?!" Josh started to cry and he dropped his coffee onto the floor.

"J-josh? Is it really you... am I dreaming?"

"No, Tyler. You just... I can't believe your awake!"

Josh ran to Tyler's side and hugged tyler with his muscular arms. He squeezed Tyler as tight as he could without hurting him. Tyler was stunned. He couldn't cry, he was so overwhelmed. He cried dryly. He sobbed without tears. His face was dry but he couldn't help but sob. Josh was alive? What happened? Just two minutes ago he was in a restaurant restroom crying because he missed josh so much. Now here Tyler was, in a hospital bed with a bullet wound with Josh right by his side, hugging him and crying into his hospital gown.

"What... what happened Josh..?"

"Tyler, when I did my backflip on stage when you were rapping heavydirtysoul... you were shot and you passed out immediately. You've been unconscious for a week, and they didn't know if you would make it. They did surgery on you, and now your awake?!"

Tyler froze slightly for s few moments. He was the one who was shot all along? Josh was okay? Josh wasn't shot? The whole thing was just a dream? Tyler guessed that he must have been dreaming while he was unconscious with this injury. It felt so real, he never would have guessed it was just a dream. He was finally stable enough to let out tears. They kept flowing and flowing, and Josh hated to see Tyler cry so he hugged Tyler again.

"I... josh, I thought you were dead. I thought you were shot in the head... there was even a funeral and- and-"

"Shhhhh, Ty. It'll be okay. I'm here. I'm here. I'll always be here, my little bean boy."

Tyler's heart melted. He shivered. That's when he remembered, he had yet to tell Josh that he loves him still.  He made Josh face him, and stared into his eyes. Josh was a little worried, because he wasn't sure what Tyler was doing. Tyler's heart pounded out of his chest, and he gulped hard. His mouth went dry, and the words almost didn't come out. Almost. But they did.

"Josh! Okay, I wanted to tell you this before the show. I am so so so sorry for everything. If I could, I would go back in time and never run away. Even so, even after everything that has happened, nothing has changed. Since the day you sent me a message request, I've loved you. I never stopped. I still do. I'll never stop. I'll always love you, Josh. Forever and always... and I'm so sorry that I never told you before it was too late. I'm so sorry, Josh. I can't live without you, and I know that now. I like Jenna... and I only chose her because I felt like it was what was best for me... but was I ever wrong. It was the biggest mistake I've ever made. Joshua William Dun, I am in love with you. Please, please forgive me. We can make this work, it'll be just like it used to be. I'll fall asleep on your chest, and I'll wake you up with kisses on your forehead. We'll take relaxing showers together when we're stressed, I'll make you feel okay... most of all, I'll be yours. With my dad and hopefully mom out of the way, we will be okay. Twenty one pilots will be okay.... our love will be okay."

Josh couldn't take in what he heard from Tyler's mouth. His soft innocent voice was enough to make Josh melt, let alone the words he said. Josh dropped a tear into Tyler's hospital gown, and he just stared at Tyler in disbelieve.

"So...  you.. you..."

"You gonna kiss me or not?" Tyler said. Tyler grabbed Josh's jaw gently before he had a chance to respond, and for the first time in so long.. their lips touched. The taste of Josh, the taste Tyler craved since the day he ran away. Josh savoured every second of Tyler's embrace, and he never wanted to stop. Eventually they pulled away, and Josh just stared into Tyler's eyes. They sat with each other all day, kissing and cuddling.

"So what are we gonna do next?" Josh said.

"Well... we can continue our tour eventually. But for now, I just want to get settled with you again. Is that what you want..?"

"It's what I wanted since I met you."

"I love you, Joshua."

"I love you more, Tyler."

Moments after the words crossed Tyler's lips, that's when he remembered. What was he going to tell Jenna when they got home from Hong Kong?

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