34: ER

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I know this is a short chapter buuuut I just wanted you guys to know what happens after Tyler overdosed, I'll post another chapter tonight or tomorrow with more detail! :)

Tyler opened his eyes in s room that was full of beeping noises and plain white walls. Jenna sat at his bed side, and she smiled brightly to see Tyler awake.

"Hey baby... how are you feeling?"

"I'm... I don't know."

"Sweetie, we're going to get you the help you need so you never do that again... I know your upset but we can make it trough this together baby. I love you."

Tyler rubbed his temple and looked up at the clock. 1:45 PM. Tyler thought about things before looking back at Jenna. He really did it.. he really attempted suicide, he almost succeeded too. He was so close to being with Josh again. He looked over at Jenna and stared deep into her Icey blue eyes, it was like he could see into her soul. After loosing Josh, he lost sight of what was important. Was his world incomplete without Josh? Yes. But, he really did love Jenna. The thought of Josh made his heart feel full, but since he had no family in his heart, he had lots of room for Jenna... and he really did love her.

"I love you too.." Tyler managed to spit out the words. He felt really loopy, all those drugs made him dizzy. The doctor walked in to see Tyler wide awake and aware of his surroundings.

"Hello there, Tyler! I'm Doctor Ashley Nicolette Frangipane , and I will be here to help you until you are ready to get out of this place!" The female doctor sounded very enthusiastic, she was quite pretty too. She had short blonde hair, like really really short. Josh would have liked this girl, Tyler could tell. Tyler looked over at Jenna then back at the doctor.

"Hi.. thanks."

Tyler started to tear up, he never stopped crying after Josh was shot right in front of him. He was never happy. All the what ifs and questions overwhelmed him. What if he had of told josh he loved him sooner? What if Josh missed Tyler? Too many questions.. Tyler had to release it through tears.

"I'll leave you alone, but you should be out of here by tomorrow. Of course, there will be some new rules.. but you'll adjust."

The doctor walked out leaving Tyler and Jenna alone. Tyler spent the rest of him time in the hospital crying, and thinking about Josh.

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