5: Scars

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Josh's house was small. Just enough room for two... it was perfect. It had such a welcoming scent... it smelled like Josh. It was Tyler's favourite scent. If it were a cologne, he would use it.

"The bedroom is over here, Ty. I'll clear a drawer from my dresser for you to keep your stuff in."

"Okay... you have a drum set?" Tyler noticed, he knew josh played the drums but forgot till now.

"Yeah... you brought your ukulele? We can jam out together."

Tyler already felt at home. He had lived his whole 17 years of life in a home where he got beaten, cut and raped. He'd finally know what it's like to live in a home where he could do what he wants and not worry about waking up in the middle of the night to his thighs being slit open. Most importantly, he lived with someone he loved.

"I'm going to take a shower." Josh randomly stated.


"Y...ya wanna join..?" Josh was so friggen cute when he was nervous. Tyler wanted to so bad, but his scars were so intense throughout his body that he'd feel shamed. What a damn turnoff... he couldn't go the rest of his life dodging the fact that josh would have to see him naked at some point, so it may as well be now. Tyler was uncomfortable... not with josh, but with himself.

P"Um.. I'd love to. But... my scars. They're sorta scary. And a huge turn off. I hope you don't hate me after seeing that..."

Josh froze. He forgot all about Tyler having scars from his father.. but he wasn't going to let that stop him from being a good boyfriend to Tyler. It's not like they have made it official or anything... but they know they love each other.

"Tyler, I couldn't ever not love you. I would never hate you, and nothing-even your scars- will change that, and I can except them. They're a part of my gorgeous Tyler, so therefor I love them. And every single inch of you."

Tyler blushed, he felt way better about this situation now.

"Ok... I'll be right back."

Tyler went into the bedroom and peeled all of his clothes off... it started to remind him of when his father always forced him to undress so he could rape him. Stop, Tyler. This isn't your father. This is josh. Josh loves you, you love josh. Josh won't hurt you. Josh protects you. He kept those words in his mind and took deep breathes, as he opened the bathroom door. Josh was already in the shower. He took a huge breath in. And a huge breath out. He walked toward the shower and pealed the curtain open. Josh was perfect, every inch of him. His muscular build wetted by the hot water falling onto him. The plug was in, so the tub would fill up. Tyler stepped in carefully.

"Hey" josh said shyly


The two stood in the shower just staring into each other's eyes.  Josh's mocha eyes. So adorable. Josh made the first move, he looked Tyler up and down with his mocha eyes, and placed his hands on Tyler's waist. He pulled him in close, and started kissing him. Tyler's hands around Josh's lower neck, straddling his head. They kissed, and nothing more. As the tub filled, they slid down and sat in the warm water, the shower still raining down on Josh's muscular back. Their foreheads pressed together and their noses almost touching, they playfully planted kisses on each other every couple seconds, accompanied with adorable laughter. Tyler was so in love with Josh. Josh was so in love with Tyler. They did that for 10 minutes, they could do it all night.

"Tyler Robert Joseph, your cute. will you be my boyfriend?"

"Joshua William Dun, yes. I will be your boyfriend."

Tyler leaned into Josh's ear.

"Your cute too." He whispers.

It was the middle of science class in room 206, and Tyler was with Josh in that class. They were always partners in that class, because Josh was the only person Tyler talked to at school. And josh never hung out with his other friends anymore, he was okay with that. He would be with Tyler whenever he could, and protect him all the time. Tyler was writing a test, and the room was silent. There were so many people who teased him for being gay, for being so anti-social and for being so skinny. He was always teased, so the silence in the room was great. He could actually think. Tyler stood up to go hand his test in to the teacher, and right as he was walking by rows of desks, one guy named Hunter pantsed Tyler in front of the whole entire class.

"HEY!" Tyler screamed, being reminded of when his father would yank his pants down to whip him. Tyler froze in terror, as the whole class gasped. His scars. They were visible to the whole class... including the teacher. Tyler Yanked up his jeans and ran out of the classroom in a teary mess. Great. Not only are you known for being gay. Not only are you known for being anti-social, but now people think your suicidal. Tyler ran into a bathroom stall and slammed the door. He sobbed into his hands, scarred from everything. The empty echo in the boys washroom made his sobs seem louder than they really were.

"What the hell, man?? What are you thinking??" Josh roared at Hunter.

"That is NOT okay, you embarrassed him!! He has problems, you can't just do that!!"

"I... I didn't know he was suicidal I'm I'm sorry... i-"

"HES NOT SUICIDAL!!! HES ABUSED!!" Josh didn't mean to... oh god. What has he done? Now everyone knows... and the teacher heard. The teacher ran to the principals office, and 2 minutes later the speaker turned on.

"Tyler Joseph, please come to the office. Tyler Josheph, to the office. Thank you."

Tyler didn't want to leave the stall, he knew he must or he'd get in more trouble. He slowly opened the stall door and peeked out to be sure nobody was there to stare, and he snuck down to the office.

"Tyler... word has gotten around about the reasoning behind your scars. Your not suicidal... are you?"

Tyler gulped, how would they find out..? Who told them??? There's only one person who could have told- Josh. Tyler explained everything his parents had done to him to the principal, and he called the police. Meanwhile, the unsupervised classroom was chaotic. Josh and Hunter were fighting, throwing punches at each other and hurting each other.


People were all picking sides and cheering for them to fight.

The teacher walked back in the room, and saw the fighting.

"THAT WILL BE ENOUGH!! Josh, I know what he did was wrong but two wrongs do not make a right!! TAKE A SEAT!!"

Josh sat down before he got suspended.

"The police are on their way to escort your parents to the prison. Why didn't you tell someone when you were 10? You could have prevented all these years of pain. If they threaten to hurt you if you tell, you tell anyways... we'll make sure they never set eyes on you again. And if they tried that, they'll never see daylight again."

Tyler couldn't believe it... his parents, his rotten evil parents were being put into prison. For 15 years. Tyler was free.

Completely free.

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