19: Bigger

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Tyler and Josh met for their first musical session, and before they started writing songs they would have to come up with a name for their band. It wasn't easy, they came up with many before choosing one. They had 77 Warriors, 80 Seconds to Pluto, 66 Vessels and many more that just didn't sound right.

"Joooosh, we'll never come up with one. It's hopeless."

"How about this. Just go on with every day life, and don't strain yourself thinking. Just let it come to you, and if I come up with something I'll let you know. Once we have it, we'll start making our songs. Sound good?"

"Yeah, babe... I mean, sorry. Josh**,"

Tyler had to correct himself, he accidentally called Josh babe again.. why was he having such a hard time letting go? He needed Jenna... not Josh. Ugh, his mind was so scattered. He really did love Josh... but Jenna was better for him. She had to be... right?

"Oh... it's, um, it's okay, Ty."

It's not that Josh didn't like it when Tyler called him babe, in fact he craved it. But, he knew Tyler didn't think of him in that way anymore. Now he was just a fren... not a boy fren. Not the boy he loved. Just a fren... the thought of that made Josh sick. But, it's as close as he could get so he took it. Though he so very badly wanted to kiss Tyler... he couldn't. He has to hold back... and he  would have to face the fact that he can never kiss Tyler ever again.

It was 6:07am, and Tyler woke up early today. Jenna was still sleeping, so he couldn't go see her. He couldn't sleep, he missed Josh. It was eating away at him.. but he needed Jenna. Jenna was good for him, and his sanity. If he wanted to not be crazy, he should be with Jenna, because Jenna didn't make him crazy like Josh did. Tyler wasn't much of a reader, but he was so overwhelmed by the thought of Josh and Jenna that he couldn't just sit and think anymore, or he'd go insane. He picked up a random book, and began reading.

All my sons- Arther Miller
**man sells defected plane parts to the airforce and kills 21 pilots flying the aircraft made from those parts and has to deal with the guilt eating away at him from knowing he killed these men in ww2**

Tyler didn't know why, but he felt inspired by this book. Inspiration was exactly what he needed to find a band name, and this was his lucky day.
Twenty Øne Piløts.
It didn't exactly make sense.. but it sounded right. Something about it gave Tyler hope for their musical career, it just sounded like something you would hear on the radio. He pulled out his phone and began typing:

Tyler: JISH!!

Josh: ty, it's 6:45 In the morning... but what is it?

It's not like Tyler woke him up or anything... he never got rest these days. But he didn't want to seem too depressed about it, so he pretended everything was normal.

Tyler: sorry buddy. But.. I came up with an idea for a band name. It just hit me, so what do ya think about the name 'twenty one pilots'?

Josh: wow... it doesn't make sense to me but it definitely sounds interesting.. where'd you come up with that?

Tyler: I was reading a book and it inspired me, so what do you think?

Josh: it sounds.. great! 'Were Twenty one pilots, and so are you."

Tyler: |-/

Josh: ??

Tyler: our logo!

Josh: what why?😂

Tyler didn't know why, but he felt like it was just a cool logo. What he didn't want to say is where he got it from... he always suffered his whole life, not just abuse but depression and mental issues with it, so he wanted to write songs to help people with mental struggles. |-/ meant something to Tyler.. but he wouldn't tell anyone else. Instead, he said that it can mean whatever you want it to mean to yourself.. to Tyler, it symbolized his suicide attempt. He was suicidal at one point in his life.. around 15 years old. He attempted suicide when his father and mother were gone so when they got back they couldn't hurt him any more.. he used a method of hanging. He tied the rope to the kitchen sink fixture, and the other end to his neck and leaned forward. That is why he thought of the logo |-/. |= kitchen sink, -= rope, /= him. So to him, it was his suicide attempt and how he struggles, but to everyone else it could mean what they wanted it to to them.

Tyler: idk.. it means something to me, but it can mean whatever you want it to mean to yourself. Just a creative thought, ya know.

Josh: okay, bud. Sounds super great! Meet up at 1:45 today to start our musical career?

Tyler: you know it, Joshy!

Josh: cya!

1:45 seemed to come so fast, and before they knew it they were playing covers together to see how well they musically collaborated. They made the mod amazing sound, Tyler's soft voice with Josh's natural rhythm mixed beautifully. Months came and passed, fall turned into a long painful winter that Josh didn't think he could make it through without Tyler sleeping on his chest to keep him warm, and winter turned into a more hopeful spring. The air felt warm and the sun beamed onto the flowers below, giving the gift of life to the earth. Josh had been grieving the death of him and Tyler's love, but has been doing much better than the winter. Twenty one pilots was getting bigger, and lots of people from Ohio were noticing them. They started off with small gigs playing covers at pubs and bars, then upgraded to opening for local bands. They've played in multiple festivals and carnivals, and were getting a costumed to playing in front of a couple hundred people.  Josh would get anxiety before going on stage, but Tyler would always comfort him. What are best frens for? Jenna saw many of their shows and supported their band by helping them find bigger gigs and making them merch. She burned their Cd's for them to sell at their gigs, and they would sell at least 50 of them. They were a hit in Columbus, but they wanted to get a little bigger than that. Jenna could tell they were getting bored with Columbus, so she surprised them with a bigger deal...

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