43: making up

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WARNING: there is a tad of smut in this chapter (it was requested in the comments of the last chapter) so if you don't wish to read it, just skip that paragraph.

It's been almost three weeks, and Tyler was finally getting out of the hospital in Hong Kong. Him and Josh would go back to their hotel until they went back to Ohio the next day.

"Put your signature here, and your free to go." Said the old lady at the front desk. Tyler sloppily splashed his signature onto the blank space on the paper, and Josh grabbed his hand to direct him to the entrance of the hospital. The first time Tyler had breathed in the fresh air for almost about a month. He was still having a hard time taking in the fact the whole thing was a dream, but he was so relived that Josh was here. He was so glad he didn't have a child... he was so glad that everything was going to be okay. He took a large inhale of the fresh air, and exhaled slowly.

"What do you wanna do today, Ty? It's our last day here in Hong Kong, we may as well make the most of it."

"Let's go to the park. I haven't been to a normal place in so long."

"Haha... the park it is, ty."

The two headed to the park on this cloudy day. The sky was grey and the scenery seemed dull, but to Tyler.. it was perfect. It helped Josh's beauty stand out. The two ran in the fields, it felt so unreal. It even seemed like slow motion like in a movie, Josh's smile grew larger and larger and they chased each other lovingly for what seemed to be a thousand years. As Tyler ran from Josh, he tripped and fell. Josh fell on top of him, both of them laughing at each other. As soon as they hit the ground, rain poured onto them. The two were soaking wet, but they didn't care. They kept running and play tackling each other until the sun went down. The walk home was great, the pretty street lights and the rain still pouring, it was perfect. It was almost too good to be true, Tyler went from having schizophrenia and having to live without Josh forever to a happy man with Josh by his side. They finally reached the hotel, and they were soaked with the cold rain water. They kept each other warm going up the elevator, and when they got to the Hotel room they were exhausted. Tyler's white tee shirt was almost completely transparent, and his fit build was visible to Josh. Josh couldn't help but drool over the sight of Tyler's body... it was so hot.

"God.." Josh grunted under his heavy breath. He hoped Tyler didn't hear him.

"What was that.?"

"Oh... umm.. nothing.." Josh was nervous.

Tyler looked down at Josh, his attraction to Tyler was slightly 'visible' through his shorts.

"Ohh.. uhhhhh, sorry.. sorry.." josh blushed like crazy, he was so embarrassed.

"It's okay... " Tyler was attracted to Josh. He bit his lip and slowly started walking over to Josh. Josh, sitting on the dining room chair, knew he was in for something good. Tyler slowly sat on Josh's lap facing him, straddling him on the wooden chair. He could feel Josh's bump under him, and he placed his lips on Josh's. Josh kissed back, letting out a soft moan between their passionate kisses. Tyler was turned on by Josh's moans, and he slowly started working his way down to Josh's neck, to his shoulders, to his chest, to his stomach and sides. Josh bit his lower lip and looked up, closing his eyes. He let Tyler take over. Tyler made swirling motions with his tongue, and before Josh had the chance to respond, Tyler tugged down Josh's shorts. Soon enough, Josh was in nothing but boxers and Tyler as well. Tyler continued to swirl his tongue around Josh's muscular body, and then took him by surprise. He quickly reached down Josh's pants and grabbed him. Josh inhaled deeply and licked his lips followed by a groan of relief. Tyler did his job, and made Josh feel the most pleasure he ever had.

"My turn." Said Tyler, devilishly. He stepped over Josh's lap and sat back down slowly over Josh. He whispered as quietly as he could "oh, god." The next seven and a half minutes consisted of this, and it was safe to say that Tyler and Josh both enjoyed themselves.

Josh woke up the next morning, and Tyler wasn't beside him. He figured he must have gotten up. He stretched out his arms which flexed his muscular back, and he let out a yawn. His messy pink hair and boxers walked to the kitchen to find Tyler sitting in a chair, facing the wall. Josh could tell he was crying, because his back was rising and falling unsteadily. He walked over I see what was wrong. Josh touched Tyler's back gently and Tyler flinched.

"What's wrong, Ty?"

"Nothing... I'm fine."

"Ty... your crying. Your not fine. What's wrong?"

"It's Jenna... I told her I didn't want to be with her anymore when I was in the hospital through text... I told her about us.."

"Oh... How did she take it?"

Tyler looked at Josh with fear in his teary eyes. He looked so guilty.

"She's dead, Josh."

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