64: Baby Boy

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"G..goo graghhh ooobyy."

"What's that Tyler? You want me to read to you?"


Josh was devastated. Tyler was impaired, he was unable to speak, only make sounds, he was incapable of anything. The doctors called it the "baby state", which is a state after you awake from a coma and are basically a baby again just in your adult form. Some people heal from it, some people don't... Josh prayed Tyler did. It was only the beginning of their marriage and he couldn't be married to a baby. He was in love with Tyler... and if he was like this for the rest of his life then what's the difference between him being alive and dead? Either way, Tyler was gone. All that was left is his body.. taken over by whoever this was. It definitely was not Tyler. The man who could play ukelele, scream his heart out, cry, rap and sing like and angel all at the same time. The man who found detail in the simplest things, the man who had such a childish sense of humour and most of all the man Josh was desperately and undeniably in love with.. he was not there. At least not now, who knows if he'll ever come back. Who knows how long it will take if he does?  Tyler looked around the room quickly, his eyes not focused on anything and drool spilling from his mouth onto his chin. Josh could barely stand the sight... he knew he had to. For the sake of Tyler... or whoever this was. 



"We'll need a word with you in the other room."

Josh slowly stood as Tyler's eyes followed. He glided into the next room over.

"Tyler. He's awake... and that means progress."


"Yes, usually if the patient wakes up in this condition they almost always heal within a year or less. They wouldn't have woken up in the first place if they weren't healing, right?"

"Yeah.. that's true. Makes sense."

"So, one last thing."


"We'll need you to go somewhere for the night."

"What? Why can't I stay with Ty?"

"We will be doing many tests with his reflexes and his sleeping habits to see just how bad this case is. Is that okay?"

"Um... yeah of course, whatever you say.."

"Excellent! You may come back as early as 9 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Okay, thanks doc."

"Your welcome young man."

Josh exited the room and headed Back Tyler's way to gather his things to head out. As soon as he set foot in the room, Tyler smiled big. He may be like a baby and not able to function proper... but even babies have emotion and feel love. He could tell Tyler was happy to see him.

"Hey Ty! I have to go for a little bit, but I will be back!" Josh spoke as if he were talking to a baby or a small dog. Tyler giggles as drool drops down his face and he gurgles. Josh faked a quick smile, kissed Tyler's forehead and as he started to leave the room he could hear Tyler cry for him. It broke his heart that he had no choice but to leave Tyler for the night, but he had to. He kept walking down the glum halls of the icu and didn't turn back as Tyler's cries echoed through the 2nd floor of the hospital.

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