28: Familiar

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"Joshua William Dun, please come to the front." An announcement went off in the plane that had landed two hours ago. They had to stop the plane and find out who spiked Josh's drink so they didn't get away and do it again. Everyone around him asked if he was alright, and one of them was bound to be the culprit. Josh stood slowly as Tyler let go of his arm. He made his way over, and he glanced around at the crowd. The thought that one of these people was trying to harm Josh scared him... he could be standing right next to them and doesn't even know it.

"Josh... we figured out who did this to you."

"Who was it... "

"A woman named Joanna Jose. She wouldn't tell us why she did it, and we confiscated her from the airline. Your safe now, she in banned from this route."

Josh was relieved that this woman was dealt with... but why would she do this? Did josh know her? The name didn't ring a bell... but he was worried. If one person was capable of this, what if someone else tried to hurt him? Josh was very worried, but he tried to hide it to make Tyler feel safe. Josh headed to his seat, and the plane announced their takeoff to Hong Kong as planned.

The sun was setting and the plane was landing. Tyler and Josh made it to Hong Kong, and met a guide at the airport to help with their luggage and take them to a five star hotel. The scenery was amazing, and Tyler was in love with the view from the car window. He loved just staring at it, but Josh was too busy staring at Tyler to notice the view. They arrived at the hostel near where they had their show, and took their luggage with them. Tyler got into the room, and he dove into the bed hugging the provided pillow.

"Aaaaaaggggghhhhhh.... land. Oh how I've missed land."

"Hahaha... oh Ty. "

"Hey... josh????"

"Yeah Ty?"

"There's.. there's uhh only one bed.."

"Oh, well that's okay. I can crash on the couch."

"Well, you don't mind sharing a bed.. do you?"

"Well I don't want you to feel uncomfortable.."

"No, Josh.. I want you to. What are best buds for..?" Tyler acted like he was chill and cool with the fact they were sharing a bed just as friends, but inside he was going CRAZY. He was so excited but also nervous, because he knew Jenna was in the picture and he couldn't just be with Josh... so this was only as friends. But that made him mad, and it was also as close as he could get so he'll take it. He never did have a sleepover with a friend before, so this would be cool. Tyler went into the bathroom to put his pj's on and brush his teeth, and when he came out Josh was in nothing but his boxers. God, why did josh have to temp Tyler like that?? His muscular torso and back flexed as Josh stretched his arms, and his boxers slid further down revealing Josh's v line. His hair was messy, and his eyes were barely open... it reminded Tyler of when they lived together and got to go to bed together every night with love in their eyes whenever they saw each other. Tyler pretended to be cool, but he was drooling over the sight of shirtless Josh. Tyler had a plain white tee shirt on and his boxers, and his fluffy short hair was messed up which made him look adorable. He went to get a drink from the mini fridge when he spilled his water all over his white tee shirt, making it transparent and revealing his muscles and his build... how embarrassing he thought. He quickly tried to hide it, when Josh turned his head. He tried to ignore it, but Tyler was so hot. His body was wrapped in his see through white tee that was soaked to his body tightly, josh began to get a rush down there and it was starting to show, so he ran into the bedroom and relieved himself, biting his lip and trying to hurry before Tyler came in to change his shirt. Right when he finished, Tyler came in with no shirt on and instead of putting on a fresh one, he just stayed shirtless. His tattoos and all showing, his back was so hot. Josh lied down and turned away from Tyler to avoid further temptation.

"Goodnight Tyler.. I'm going to sleep."

"Oh, okay then.. goodnight."

Tyler crawled into bed next to Josh and snuggled into the blankets. As the night went on, Tyler and Josh adjusted in their sleep without knowing it. When the sun reared its head, Josh woke up. Tyler's head was on his chest and his arm was draped around him, and Josh loved it. He felt so warm, it was exactly how they were before their huge fight. Then Josh remembers that Tyler had Jenna, and he didn't want Tyler to wake up and get mad, so he gently moved Tyler off of him... which woke up Tyler.

"Heyyyy, why did you wake me uuuup?"

"Sorry, Ty... we were accidentally like, uhhhhh... kind of cuddling so I didn't think you would want to- I mean, at least I don't think, like I mean I would of you want- but oh umm I don't mean that I want to but,, I don't MIND I guess- but that's uhhhh... sorry..."
Josh rambled on and kept throwing up uncontrollable word vomit and had to stop himself before he made a bigger fool of himself. Tyler smiled slightly and started to blush, so he turned away so Josh didn't see the pink fill his cheeks. Josh lied back down, and stared at the ceiling. He couldn't stop thinking about the woman who tried to hurt him... she looked familiar...

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