30: Dead in his tracks

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How was he expected to play a show tomorrow? He was terrified, he could never get away from it, could he? No matter what he did or where in the world Josh and him went, something bad followed them. Mostly Tyler... not so much Josh. It seemed like evil lurked in every door way Tyler entered and followed him every single place he went, he could not escape. Josh was trying his best to comfort Tyler, and it was working a little bit. Tyler was feeling better with Josh by his side, and the thought that Josh would be in his arms right after the show the next day, everything would be okay. He'll never see him mom or dad again, Josh will be his and he could start over with his new music career with the love of his life, and maybe even adopt in the future? Maybe he was thinking too far ahead, but Tyler seemed to he living for the future. Night crept over the mountains in the distance, and the sun made the hills it's grave. As it got darker out, the boys went to bed early since they had a huge day ahead of them tomorrow... especially Tyler. The two fell asleep side by side in the queen sized bed, and dreamt of each other all night long.

The two were woken up by their alarms at 7:00 am, and shook awake from the alarming sound of their alarms. Tyler's was hugging josh in his sleep, so he quickly let go and apologized.

"A.. sorry, man.."

"Why are you sorry?"

"I dunno... I accidentally cuddled you all night, haha.."

"So..? We're buds.." josh said with a nervous voice, you could tell it hurt him to refer to Tyler as only a friend.

Tyler and Josh jumped to their feet and started to prepare to leave for the show. When they got back stage after setting up all of their equipment and practiced a few times, it was already 7:00 pm and they were exhausted. But, that was only the beginning of their huge night. Josh applied his slight pink makeup around his eyes as Tyler smudged the black paint on his hands and around his neck. They looked great, and Tyler could barely keep his eyes off of Josh. Just to think, as soon as that show was over, Tyler would confess his love for Josh that never truly went away and maybe, if josh felt the same, they would be together again. Tyler knew Josh didn't have much interest in Debby anymore, and that he had been wanting Tyler back. Tyler knew, but he had Jenna so he always ignored the fact that Josh wanted him back, now Tyler was wanting Josh back too... and he was going to tell him right after the show. Dressing room make outs were always the best, after all. Josh and Tyler were so nervous, their hearts pounded out of their chests and the sweat rained down. The show hadn't even started, and they were already sweating like dogs.  The two stood behind the corner and waited for their cue, which was the ode to sleep music to begin. Josh had to go first, because his cue was sooner than Tyler's. The music barely started when Josh looked back at Tyler, smiled, and ran to his drum set in front of thousands of people. The crowd went crazy as Josh hopped on the drum set and began to tap the symbols. Fans were holding up signs with Josh's face on them, and girls cried at the sight of his shirtless build. When Tyler's cue came in, he zipped up his skeleton jump suit and ran as fast as his feet would allow. He got to the piano, and leaped as high and as far as he could over it. He felt the breeze over his suit as he swiftly landed on his feet in front of the dangling microphone hanging from the ceiling. He got real close, and began to rap the begging rap.

"I wake up fine and dandy but then by the time I find it handy to rip my heart apart and start planning my crash landing I go up, up, up, up, up to the ceiling then I feel my soul start leaving, like an old mans hair receding, I'm pleading please oh please on my knees repeatedly asking why it's gotta be like this, is this living free? I don't wanna be the one, be the one to have the sons blood on my hands I'll tell the moon, take this weapon forged in darkness some see a pen I see a harpoon."

The lights flashed brightly over the crowd and over the boys as they leaped and climbed and flipped and did everything the crowd went wild for. They played their set list of ode to sleep, we don't believe what's on TV, stressed out, ride, kitchen sink, Trapdoor and their next song was heavydirtysoul. This was their last song, and Tyler couldn't wait for the concert to end so he could be with Josh again once and for all. The music began, and the sweat started flying again. The crowd screamed and jumped with their fists pumping as Tyler walked up to the dangling mic to do the opening rap. While he rapped, Josh went up to the piano to do his famous backflip. Tyler watched carefully to make sure josh landed safely, as Josh spring backwards and landed smoothly on his feet. Hi raised his fist in victory and made his way back over to the drum set. As Josh was about to start walking, the crowd screamed. But they didn't scream cheering for the boys, they screeched in
sheer terror. Josh stopped dead in his tracks to look back down at the panicking crowd when blood splattered from his head and onto Tyler who was right behind him. Josh fell straight to the floor, laying in a pool of dark red liquid.

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