29: Get out

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The morning was bright and time to start again. Tyler opened his eyes wide, he was in Josh's arms... again. They never meant to, but in their sleep they naturally would adjust until they were comfortable (in each other's arms.) so, Tyler just stayed there. He knew he shouldn't, he had Jenna and he loved Jenna, but maybe he'd let nature take its course. If they naturally ended up sleeping snuggled up, then who's to change natures plans? Tyler pretended he was still sleeping against Josh's bare chest so he didn't know Tyler was staying there on purpose. Josh's naked chest rose and fell with Tyler's uncovered body against it, the skin to skin feeling on their torsos made Tyler feel hot. He started to have to urge to just start kissing Josh's chest up to his lips until he woke up, and he knew he wouldn't be able to resist that any longer, and that's when he decided that he would get back together with Josh after thee first show. Their show was tomorrow... so what better time to tell him then right after the show? He didn't know what to do about Jenna, he did love her very much... but Josh was the one. He knew this because every time he lied eyed on Josh he just wanted nothing more than to be against him and to kiss his c major lips. He felt Josh's body jerk awake, so Tyler acted like he was sleeping with large, slow breathes. Josh put his hand on Tyler's shoulder to shake him awake, but he didn't want to wake up Tyler, so he just slowly and gently removed Tyler from his chest and got up to grab some dirt water. When he left the room, Tyler turned over onto his back and sat up quickly. He looked around, and shuffled his slipperless toes to the kitchen to get some coffee, too.

"Howdy, partner." Joked Tyler.

"There he is, the morning boy."

"You know I'm not a morning person."

"You look like one, you look great."

Tyler blushed and could barely hold back the rush he felt. Josh would always accidentally flirt with Tyler, but Tyler didn't mind. The rest of the day included getting on a scenic route in a rental jeep together, sight seeing, going to authentic restaurants and just doing everything they could fit into one day.

"Let's go skydiving!!" Yelled Josh.

"Woaahhhhhh, I'm not skydiving!"

"Come on, man!! Why not??"

"I don't know... id rather go home."

"Well... fine then. Hahaha, I probably would chicken out anyway."

"You are just a bean, after all."

Josh laughed. They hopped into their vehicle and drove back to their room. When they stepped in the lobby, the manager was standing with the police and looked over at Josh frantically.

"That's him!" She yelled

"Me..?!!" Josh was scared. He was getting anxiety, he hated when people payed attention to him.

"Yes!! Your Joshua Dun, rights?"

"Rights.. erm, right.." Josh almost mimicked the lady accidentally which made him more nervous.

"There was a lady here looking for you, she had blonde hair and she looked somewhat like your friend, what's his name?"

"Umm... Tyler.."

"Yes! She looked like Tyler. Blonde hair, same nose as Tyler."

Tyler suddenly felt completely sick to his stomach, he had him moms nose. His mom died her hair blond all the time. He started to cry, and the manager and Josh looked concerned.

"Why, what's wrong?" Said the manager.

"Oh god... Tyler. Oh no, oh fricking no..."

"NO!! Stop, your lying. She's- she's in jail, she... she's in JAIL FOR WHAT SHE DID TO ME." Tyler screamed in their faces.

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