70: Dear God

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"Ready to leave, Ty??"

"Yeah... I'm so happy." Tyler sounded normal. Not too happy, but not too sad either. Josh grabbed the handles of Tyler's wheelchair and started pushing him forward. Tyler hadn't been outside since before his coma. He was scared... but excited. Josh kept pushing his wheelchair slowly as the automatic doors slide open and a swish of fresh air filled Tyler's lungs and lifted his spirits. He felt.. free. He felt high as a kite, he felt amazing. He smiled and turned his head to Josh.


"Yes Ty?"

"I... I know that I seemed weird the last few weeks but... you still love me, right?"

Josh stopped the wheelchair completely and walked to face Tyler. He kneeled to Tyler's level so their faces were close and he stared into Tyler's light brown eyes.

"Tyler. You are the love of my life. You are the reason I live. You are my air, my happiness, my everything. You make my world go round, you make me feel complete. Without you, I'm nothing. You listen up, Tyler. Never question the fact that I love you. Ever ever ever. I will always love you. Always have, always will. You hear me?"

Tyler looked down at his lap then back up at Josh, with a solitary salt water droplet sliding down the side of his cheek. He smiled big.

"Yes, Josh. I love you too... more than you'll ever know. My love."

Josh flashed a quick smile before kissing Tyler's pink lips. They continued walking down the street to the police station. Josh had to keep their luggage there since they had no place in India. They were a block away from the police station when Josh heard heavy foot steps from behind him. He turned around quickly to see... oh dear god.

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