10: One night

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"W... what do you mean... break up?!! Josh... no... please don't I'm begging you please, you mean everything to me Josh! Don't leave me all alone.. I don't know how I'll live, josh! How could you be so in love with me just a week ago and now your just leaving?? Did you just do it for the sex?? Did you even really love me?? JOSHY DONT DO THIS!" Tyler violently let out a scream, he couldn't control his screams. He has been happy for the first time in what.. 17 years?! It felt as though it was all just robbed right from his grip. Like giving an adorable baby a stuffed lamb and just violently ripping it away, leaving the baby heartbroken and in teary screams.

"Tyler... it's... I'm not saying I don't love you. Remember when I made a promise to you? We were sitting together in the bath tub... the first time I ever saw your scars.. I thought they were so amazing just because they are a part of you. Well.. this is me keeping my promise. I can't tell you what's happening... for your own good. I'll help you find a place, I'll move you in safely and I will help you financially for a little while.. you'll have to get a job to support yourself and maybe you'll meet someone who is better for you."

Josh could barely say that, he knew Tyler was torn and the thought of Tyler with anybody else made Josh sick. The words sink into Tyler's mind, and he remembers how much he hated being alone. When he was only an innocent 8 year old boy, his parents would leave him all alone for weeks at a time while they went out partying, and sometimes even going to Vegas to gamble and deal drugs. They would just carelessly leave Tyler, with nobody checking him and nobody caring for him. Tyler would curl up in the corner at night when it was dark and scary, and he would keep the lights on in that place in fear of falling away from everything. In a sense, it was better than having his father cut his legs and rape him... he used to tell Tyler to enjoy being alone while it lasted, because it was like a vacation. One week of no beatings... but just until they got back. Tyler snapped out of the flash back and continued to bawl uncontrollably. Josh's heart broke into two, and Tyler's broke into a million pieces.  Tyler couldn't handle it any longer, and he ran out of the room crying his eyes out. As he ran into the bathroom, he dropped a slip of paper. Josh picked it up, and read the words:

"Hes the tear in my heart, I'm alive.
He's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire, he's the tear in my heart, cut me farther then I've ever been." And a whole song with it. It was a song about Josh, and Josh felt so guilty. He felt like he had just killed innocent kittens, he felt like he just murdered a man. He did... the pain Tyler felt in his heart and mind was enough to drive anyone to suicide... Tyler grabbed to anti- depressants from the cabinet and dumped half the bottle into his palm. Right as he was about to tip them into his mouth, Josh burst into the room.

"Tyler.. what are you doing??!!" Josh stood in shock, staring at Tyler with 32 pills in his hands, about to overdose and kill himself. Josh couldn't take it... he almost killed Tyler. He couldn't take back what happened, and he knew if he stayed with Tyler he'd get hurt by his father. They both would, and Josh needed to protect Tyler.

"Give me those!! Tyler, what are you thinking??? This will not solve your problems, okay?? You will find a new man one day, were only 17! You will be okay, Tyler. Please, stay alive!"

Tyler threw the pills to the wall as hard as he could whip them, and he stormed into his room and began to pack his things. He got his clothes, and all his things until his reserved drawer on Josh's dresser was empty.  He slid his shoes in, and before Josh had a chance to say any final words... Tyler was gone. It's funny how fast he left, it's like he disappeared into thin air. Josh already felt broken and it's only been a mere 15 seconds since Tyler stormed out his house for the last time. Josh knew it would be a hard future ahead.. he would never be the same.

Tyler walked down the empty streets at 8:53 at night, breathing in the cool spring air. His heart hurting,  and his eyes full of tears, he didn't know where to go. He had nobody now... nobody. He was on the streets... and Josh just let him go. He didn't even stop him. He didn't try to find Tyler a place or anything... he just let Tyler walk away.
He didn't know where to go, so he just took a bus to anywhere. He didn't know where it was going... he figured he would just go wherever fate took him.

Josh couldn't handle it, he knew Tyler had no place to go and knew he needed to help him. Josh didn't care to put on a jacket, he just ran outside and ran and ran until he found Tyler. He ran all night that night... he never found Tyler because Tyler was far away now.

Tyler arrived at a stop a town away, and had nothing. He didn't know where he was, he didn't know anyone. All he knew was he had just lost the love of his life, his home, his confidence, and his entire world.

All. In. One. Night.

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