47: Complete

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"There is much legal work that will need to be done. Blood work, tests, papers and stuff like that. Are you positive you are willing to adopt this child? Especially when your not even in your own country?"

Josh wanted to answer the officer, but for some reason couldn't find the words. So, Tyler helped him out.

"We have never been more sure of anything. This child... I love her already. I have an attachment and I've known her for an hour. Please."

Josh marvelled Tyler. His little bean boy and him, having a cute little family together. It made josh feel warm inside and joyous. A little girl, and Tyler. His cute wifey Tyler. He swore to himself he would marry that boy one day. Tyler and Josh proceeded with the legal work which took them all day, but by 6:45pm, they were ready to head back to Ohio. They had nothing for their new child, but they would make due until they got some things. For now they just took all of the child's clothes, toiletries, and favourite dolls, and they got on the plane with one more person then expected. It all happened so fast, they just got back together yesterday, they made love, and now they already have a little girl together. Neither one of them could believe it, but it was now a reality they would soon get used to. It barely seemed realistic... really it wasn't considered realistic. But it was realistic enough to be a reality. Tyler let the little girl sit close to the window, and him and Josh sat side by side with their hands intertwined finger by finger. Josh leaned into Jolie's ear.

"Hey Jolie.. are you excited to see your new home?"

"Y-yes..." she was nervous. But who wouldn't be nervous? She was abused at home and was finally free, but within a day had to adjust to a new home with new parents in a while different country, and to top that off she was only 5.

"I think you'll love living with me and Tyler. Well all have so much fun!"

Jolie didn't look too convinced, her black eye looking into Josh's. She just needed to see for herself that life can be good. Josh leaned away from Jolie and then looked at Tyler who was staring off into space. He was thinking about how he was so glad to have saved Jolie at a young age before she got too old... hopefully she wasn't abused bad enough to have traumatic flashbacks like Tyler did of his childhood. He felt heroic. He felt good. They flew off into the night and fell asleep all beside each other. Tyler glanced at Josh before falling asleep with his sleepy voice, and said "This is it."

"What?" Josh murmured.

"This is it. Our family."

They fell asleep holding hands with little Jolie asleep on Josh's shoulder.

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