51: So Much Love

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Josh pushed Tyler against the wall with his muscular arms and passionately made love to Tyler's mouth. As Josh began to work Tyler's jawline with his tongue, Tyler let out a soft whimper. As Josh slowly made his way down to Tyler's lower abdomen, he swiftly tugged down his boxers, revealing him. Then, josh picked up Tyler and had him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, his rear in the air and his head at Josh's lower back. Josh ran into the bathroom and turned on the tap. He then ran into the bedroom, playfully tossed Tyler into the bed and dryly grinded, hovering only inches away from Tyler's bare body. Tyler's naked chest touched Josh's as Tyler put his arms around Josh's neck and pulled himself up and closer to Josh. Josh bit Tyler's lip which left Tyler thirsty for more. Josh, with his arm cradling Tyler's butt and the other around his back and Tyler's legs wrapped around Josh's torso, they ran into the bathroom and the tub was filled. Josh slowly yet aggressively put Tyler down into the water and turned the shower on, with hot water steaming through the air. Josh hopped into the bath, and couldn't wait any longer. The two got hot as the steam of the hot water fled off of Josh's muscular back.

The next morning was beautiful. Tyler sat up in the brightness of the room and stretched out his arms, flexing his back muscles. His fluffy brown hair was messy and his boxers hung low. He yawns. Last night was amazing, he stood tall over the foot of the bed and stares at josh sleeping. He is the cutest napper. He stood here staring at Josh for five minutes, and he shuffled his slipper-less toes to the kitchen. He was low to the ground, but high off living. He was happy today. Slowly, he pressed brew on the coffee maker and listened for the bubbling sounds of the boiling brew. He looked out the window. The rain. It seemed to be slow motion. It pitter pattered on the ground outside and josh gracefully walked into the kitchen behind Tyler, only minutes after. He wrapped his arms around Tyler's waist and kissed his shoulder softly. He turned his head and turned to face josh, their presence greeted with a kiss on Josh's lips. Josh stood right by Tyler with his arms around his waist and his head on Tyler's shoulder while he made the rest of him and Josh's coffee.

"I love you." Josh whispered into Tyler's ear, sending shivers down his spine and made his hair stand on end.

"I love you too."

Tyler and Josh sat down on the sofa and drank their coffee.

"This is some good dirt water."

Tyler turned to Josh, smiling big. Josh always made the best jokes. Tyler loves josh so much. He looks away. His eyes lock on the picture of Jolie hanging on the wall across the room beside the clock. A whole year. They didn't have her for very long, but the impact of her death damaged them intensely. Josh and Tyler knew they needed each other more than ever after such a tragedy. This made them closer than ever before. Tyler was unaware of the small tear that trailed down his face, and Josh came to his rescue with a great big hug of comfort. Tyler smiled and stared Josh right in the eye.

"Marry me.?"

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