53: sacred

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The bells chimed as Tyler's leather shoes shuffled nervously down the red carpet isle, completed with bright pink rose petals scattered around by Josh's sister, Ashley. The flower girl. Tyler's brown eyes quickly scanned his surroundings. This was really happening. He was really getting married.  He didn't know many people.. he had no family. The only friends there were Debby and Jenna.. he was surprised Jenna showed up. But he was glad she cared. His breathe got slow and heavy and his palms sweated. He turned the corner... and there he was. His bright pink hair, messy as usual but tamer than usual at the exact same time. His gentle mocha eyes glistened as his jaw dropped at the sight of Tyler. He covered his mouth, holding back the tears. Tyler smiled at the ground, and continued to slowly pace down the aisle toward the groom, Josh. Tyler stopped. He dropped to his knees, them curled up in a ball and started to shake violently.

I was 7.... maybe 9. My mom and dad went to this wedding... they had no choice but to take me. It was a long painful car ride... full of backseat torture. I sat in the back of the car... my mom drove while my dad would rape me in the back seat. I'd lay there, staring out the sunroof. Nobody knew what went on behind those locked car doors. I prayed to god. Please. Take my life. Drown me. It's not right for a 7 year old child to think that way. We arrived at the wedding... everyone looked so happy. Except for me. I knew that this wedding was the only time I'd be seen without my parents beating me to death. I tried not to cry... but I couldn't help it. My dad yelled at me in front of everyone, embarrassing me. Telling me how much of a pussy I am and how cowardly I am. That's when he dragged me by my arm down the isle and took me to a place behind the scenes where nobody could hear my scream. He choked me. He slapped me. He shoved his fingers down my throat until I vommited. He made me clean it up before anyone saw. Abuse even happened at weddings, for me.

Every single pair of eyes were on him. Tyler snapped out of the flashback, only to realize that every single one of Josh's relatives and friends were staring at him with a look of shock. He stood up slowly, and noticed he was crying... it was so humiliating. It looked like he had a seizure, and Josh stared too. Tyler stood and quickly ran out of the room as fast as he could. Josh cued for the organ to stop playing and ran after Tyler, leaving the crowd gasping and wondering what had just happened. Tyler slammed into the bench he used to do his hair at and cried. Josh, not far behind, sat beside Tyler and placed a loving hand on his shoulder.

"Tyler... what happened baby? WJATS wrong?"

Tyler stared at the ground, his long beautiful white wedding gown flowing behind him as his eyes locked on the tiles below. Josh kissed his neck softly.

"I... just a flashback.."

"No, Ty. It's not just a flashback. I'm so so sorry you have to go through this.. especially on our wedding day. Do you think your ready to go back out there... I won't make you if your not ready."

Tyler peered over his shoulder at Josh and grinned softly.

"No. I'm ready. I was always ready to be yours, josh."

Josh bared his teeth with joyful bliss and held his hand out, inviting Tyler's fingers to lock with his. Tyler accepted the invite at stood up.

"Shall we?" Josh hummed.

Tyler was nervous. He just made a fool of himself... he didn't know if he was okay. But he had to be, for josh. Josh ran back to his place by the priest and waited to see Tyler and his white gown make their way down the aisle once again. The organ began to play the wedding melody and the audience clapped their hands, hoping this time around would go better. That's when Tyler re-appeared from around the corner once again, his white dress waving behind him as he made his way toward his husband to be. When he finally made it, josh took his hand into his and stared him deeply in his eye. You should have seen the way he looked him in his eye.

"I, Joshua William Dun.."

Josh repeated, "I, Joshua William Dun, take this man, to love and to hold, through sickness and health, through thick and through thin, to death do we part."

Josh glared at Tyler.

"I, Tyler Robert Joseph, take this man, to love and to hold, through sickness and through health, till death do us part."

"I do."

Josh hesitated a brief moment.

"I do."

Tyler licked his lips.

"I now pronounce you, husband and husband."

Josh, being the dominant one, grabbed Tyler's jaw gently and kissed him deeply. He slipped the ring onto Tyler's ring finger, and Tyler slid on Josh's. It was a sacred oath. It was done.

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