27: spiked

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Tyler told Jenna to stay in Ohio, he didn't want her to come on tour because he wanted some time to get closer with Josh and possibly get back together with him... depended on how he felt while he was with Josh for the tour. Who knew how long they would be gone? He promised Jenna he'd call here every single day, and he kissed her goodbye.

"I love you, Jenna." Those words were the truth. He may love Josh, but Jenna was the woman he was in love with. She was always there for him even when Josh wasn't, but sometimes no matter how much someone neglects you you love them anyway... but it's not like Josh could help not talking to Tyler for 4 months. He had no way to talk to him. But, that was over now. Tyler had the whole tour to think, and he had the whole tour to be with Josh. The man he loves and always will. As he hugged Jenna one last time with a tear in his eye,, he let her go from his grip and walked off into the airport. Their first destination-  Hong Kong. Then they would make their way closer and closer to home. As they found their seats on the plane, Tyler grabbed Josh's hand.

"I don't want to get lost.. haha."

"Oh, me neither. Not today!"

"Haha... let's sit here."

"I call window seat!"

"Frick... fiiiiine."

They sat side by side, and got comfy. This was it... the beginning of their music career. It was so much to take in, just 6 months ago they went in to show Debby their song that they never thought would make it. Tyler just wrote it in his basement and had no intention of sharing it to the world in fear of being judged, which is where he came up with his stage look of black paint.  He picked up some cheap black paint from a costume store that was meant for Halloween, but he hated Halloween. Josh got his pink eyeshadow from a cheap makeup store down the street, and it was super pigmented to show up well.

It was 1:00 am and everyone on the plane was asleep. Tyler was asleep too, and Josh was wide awake. He didn't know why, but he was so happy. He hadn't felt this way in so long, since Tyler would sleep in his arms.... maybe it was because his sleeping lil bean boy was right beside him, sleeping soundly and peacefully with his head on Josh's shoulder and his hand on his thigh. Josh knew he didn't mean to fall asleep on him, but he loved it. He loved him. Josh was happy, but still couldn't sleep. He wasn't exactly smiling, either. Maybe it was just an illusion.. but then Josh got super dizzy. He felt like he was going to pass out, so he stood up to make it better and shake it off. He carefully removed Tyler from his shoulder and stood up, but as soon as he stood up his vision went pitch black even though his eyes were open. Next thing anyone knew, Josh was on the floor. The loud thump of Josh's weight woke up Tyler and a few people surrounding the area, and Tyler screamed which woke up the rest who didn't already wake up. Josh was out cold, and Tyler started to panic as he started to cry in fear that his love was hurt or even dead. Tyler dropped down and grabbed Josh, holding him in his arms. Josh woke up in Tyler's arms just moments after he passed out.

"What... what happened? Did I pass out?" Josh said rubbing his temple.

"Yes... oh my god Josh you scared me so bad!! I thought something terrible happened to you.."

"I'm okay... I'll always be okay for you."

Tyler blushed and had the biggest temptation to kiss Josh... but he couldn't do anything he'd regret. He was with Jenna, not Josh. He can't rush into things. He doesn't know what he wanted yet, and Jenna was still in his heart... so he didn't kiss Josh. He just pulled him close and hugged him with a smile on his face.
The paramedic on the plane came over to Josh and Tyler to ask some questions and see what was wrong.

"You wouldn't have just passed out for no reason, it doesn't seem like a big deal but we must see what the problem is in case it's bigger than this."

"Fine... I will be right back Tyler. I'm okay.. I promise."

Josh followed the nurse to the small room on the plane where they would check him out. They took some blood and what they found shocked them, they didn't know how this would happen.... mostly who on the plane wanted Josh passed out.

"Josh, have you been doing any... GHB??"

"What is that?"

"GHB is a drug often used to spike drinks, and before we accuse anyone on this plane of spiking your drink I'd like to know if it was you. Be honest, please. You will not be in trouble, but you will be given a warning."

"No, I swear! I had no idea what was going on at all..."

"Okay... we'll start interviewing people on the plane immediately. Thank tou, Josh. Take it easy."

Josh was shocked.. someone on that plane was dangerous and even worse, they were going to the same destination as Josh and could easily follow him after they get off the plane. Plus he is famous, anyone could know where he was going if they knew the show dates. Josh was freaked out and took a vitamin B capsule to stop his anxiety from taking over him. He sat next to Tyler, and began to act nervous. He looked around constantly, he fidgeted with his hands and tapped his feet constantly.

"What's wrong, what did they say!?"

"Oh, someone spiked my water with GHB..."

"WHAT?? Who did this, I need to know now."

"They are trying to find out... I don't know yet."

"Oh god.. I'm probably the main suspect! I'm closest to you, I would be thought of as the most capable!"

"No,.. I'll make sure nobody accuses you. I love- I mean, I know you well. And I know that you wouldn't ever... I'll make sure they know."

Tyler nodded and pretended he didn't notice Josh almost say 'I love you'.

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