41: Snap out of it

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This will be a short chapter btw guys sorry I'll update soon!

He peered into the mirror. Who was the man staring back? Tyler was lost. He thought he was getting everything together, but he wasn't. He couldn't do this, he couldn't make any sort of commitment. After loosing Josh, he realized he couldn't do anything. He broke down. He started regretting having a baby with Jenna, he did love his little angel with all his heart, but he just wanted to run away. He just wanted to go somewhere and be alone forever. Better yet, he wanted to be dead. Now, all because he has this child, he can't just run. Not only that, he doesn't want to hurt Jenna. He did love her... but now his love for Josh consumed him... but he could never have him. Tyler cried into his hands, not wanting to go back into the dining room of the restaurant to finish the job. He didn't want to marry Jenna. He didn't want a kid. He didn't want to eat. He didn't want to sleep. He didn't want to wake up. He didn't want to live. Tyler spun. He went insane. He didn't care who saw him who heard him who thought anything of him. He just dropped all his cares and all him worries, and spun. He spun in circles until the world seemed to spin too. His arms spread out, he spun some more. He kept spinning until he fell to the ground. He lied in the middle of the bathroom floor all alone, not caring. He wasn't even crying for a change. That's when the ground started to quake. It shook so hard that it made the most awful noise, and the floor started to cave in. Still not caring, he fell. The whole world turned black and he slowly fell further and further down. Then, after a few moments of blackness, Tyler opened his eyes. He was in a hospital room, with a gauze around a bullet wound on his abdomen.

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