12: Josh's aftermath

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He was gone, its not like it was anything new. Tyler left about 2 months ago, and Josh couldn't seem to adjust to the new lifestyle. With Tyler gone, the house was so empty. No more ukulele flowing through the air, no more waking up to him screaming his heart out to his new songs, no more waking up with Tyler sleeping on his chest with his arms around his neck, no more random Showers together. No nothing. The house was always silent now... Josh had nobody to talk to. But since Tyler left, it's not like he wanted to talk to anyone. The only one he wanted to talk to was Tyler... but Josh had to let him go. He did it for Tyler's well being.. but Josh had no clue where Tyler was, so even if he wanted to ask Tyler if he needed help or to come back, he couldn't. Tyler didn't ever answer texts or calls, he'd run away... but what if he'd been abducted or taken..? What if he died somehow somewhere in this cruel world? Josh had no way of knowing, so he just prayed every day that Tyler was okay and well. If he wasn't, Josh would never stop blaming himself. If he found out anything bad had happened to Tyler, he'd know it was his fault for not stopping Tyler from running out the front door. He didn't know why he didn't stop Tyler from leaving so fast without any help or anything. He hated to see Tyler as upset as he was, and to watch him walk out of his life was something enough to break anyone's soul into shards of broken glass. Every morning, Josh would pray that Tyler was okay wherever he was these days, and he'd go to the kitchen where the Rose Tyler had given him that one morning was in a vase, josh would stare at the rose for hours and do nothing more. That rose symbolizes their love, that's why Tyler gave it to him. And after Tyler left, no matter how long it's been since he had gone, the rose never wilted. Their love for each other was still strong.. but Josh couldn't be sure Tyler would still love him after he'd done something like this to him. Josh felt like he screwed up, but he had no choice... he couldn't let Tyler's father hurt Tyler any more than he already had. That would kill Josh, but something that will kill him faster if he didn't listen was Tyler's father. He wouldn't hesitate to kill Josh or Tyler if he didn't listen, he almost shot him just a few months ago, before his father went back to prison. Josh knew he wouldn't be happy again. At least until Tyler was back, Tyler completed Josh. Josh had everything he needed, his house, his job at a recorded selling store, his other friends from school, and just everything else he had shared with Tyler. Tyler got none of it, he left with merely his tee shirts, phone, tooth brush and $47. Not even close to enough for what he'd need to survive alone... Josh needed to help. He should have while he had the chance.. but now Tyler was gone from Josh's life, and his last moments with the love of his life were spent with tears filling each other's eyes and hearts breaking. He knew Tyler was out there.


I know this Chapter was short, but I didn't need to make it as long as Tyler's aftermath because I had to explain Tyler's new job and his plans for surviving on the street. Hope your enjoying the story, remember to add to your shelf and vote this story!!! Thanks!:)

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