20: Birth

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Before I start this chapter, yes I know Josh wasn't in the band at first but I didn't want to include the original Band members because I'm glad they left (don't get salty) cause I am so fricken glad josh is there instead. So, instead of putting the other band members in first I'm just making Josh start off in the band. Thanks enjoy the story:)

"WHAT?? NO WAY, JENNA!!" Tyler screamed in excitement, he cried. It was a natural thing for Tyler to cry, he cried every day. But the difference between now and all the other times he cried, these were tears of joy.
"Yes, Tyler!! I'm serious, can you believe it?!"
Tyler stood in shock, running his hands through is hair with a huge grin on his face.
"Oh my god, Jenna... will they like us? What if we blow it? What if-"

"There will he many more chances if they don't like you. But I know they will, your music so far is incredible! It's so unique... ukulele screamo rap electronic emo trash hip hop alternative. What a combo!"

"I gotta call Josh!! Thank you so much, baby!! I love you!!"

Tyler flung his arms around Jenna and kissed her graciously. Jenna was so beautiful, her eyes were Ice blue and were the kind of eyes that would get you lost. So bright, they looked impossibly real.


Josh: Ty... I'll be there in 10?


Josh wondered what the big deal was, so he got nervous. Was it bad?? Was he in trouble?? Was Tyler mad?? He wanted to know soon, so he threw his shoes on and ran out the door as fast as you could say "JOSHLER!" He started the car and sped to Tyler and Jenna's apartment. When he got there, Tyler flung open the door and hugged Josh. Was Tyler getting back together with him?? Josh didn't know, but he prayed that's what was happening. Nope. Guess not, Jenna was right there holding his free hand.

"Josh, guess what??"



"We always play gigs."

"Not just any gig... the manager of a huge record company will be there!!"

"Noooo fricken way..!"

"Yes fricken way!! If they like us, we could get huge!! Out songs will stream on the radio, our albums will be sold in stores and we'll get huge shows!! Can you believe this?? And it is all thanks to Jenna, isn't it baby?"

Jenna blushed at Tyler for giving her credit.

"Yes, boys. Your welcome!"

Josh wanted to frown at the fact him and Jenna seemed so in love, but he smiled because Tyler was happy. That was one of the hardest parts, seeing Tyler so happy without him. How could he be so happy? Josh wasn't... That's for sure. He could never be happy without Tyler. Even as a fren, he will always want to be more again. But it looked to him like Tyler moved on.

Tyler began the thinking process of writing a song. He had to come up with something clever, something clever to write about. He thought about using a song he wrote back when him and Josh were still together called trapdoor. It was about fearing the night, and how everyone at school and everyone around you thinks your okay but once your alone your really not okay. Kind of like when he lived at home, when his parents abused him. He was okay at school, but at night when he went home he wasn't okay and had no escape, almost like falling through a blatant trap door. But, he didn't think it was radio worthy... it was a little too sad. He needed something more upbeat... and that's when he came up with an idea. stressed out... Tyler always imagined what it would be like to have a normal childhood, so he started writing a song about how when your a child, your mother sings you to sleep and how kids would ride their trikes around the neighbourhood with their friends. He never got a chance to do that, but he thought he'd put it in a song. Then he added how when your an adult, your stressed out and your insecurities start to eat away at you. That's when he came up with a fictional character, or even an analogy for insecurities and fears. Blurryface. He sang about how adulthood is stressful, your expected to make money and not have any fun or do childish things, so you should cherish being a child while you can. Since he never got to experience a good childhood, it was important to him that other kids didn't take it for granted. He wrote for weeks, and he only had a month before the big gig. He lost hours of sleep, and lost precious time with his wife and best fren. But, he finally finished his first song that he planned on actually sharing with the world. He was insecure about what he wrote, in fear that people would judge him for what he writes... then he came up with a stage theme. He would black paint on his hands to represent blurryface and how he effects his writing. Then his neck, to represent a suffocating feeling when he is scared. He knew Josh got anxiety to perform in front of audiences, so thought of pink eye makeup for Josh. It would represent battle paint- he was a warrior to conquer his fear of being judged on stage. It was done.
This was the birth of twenty one pilots.

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