3: Realizations

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Spookyjim in online @7:37am
Tylerrjoseph is online @7:40am

Spookyjim: hey... I know I didn't answer your question last night... and what I said, it just slipped out.
Tylerrjoseph: but was it true
Spookyjim: okay okay... it was but I didn't want to say anything because ya know I figured you were into girls, I mean most guys are.
Tylerrjoseph: well actually... I don't really have time to think about this stuff... you know, I never had a crush on anyone before so I couldn't be sure of my sexuality. I've always been so consumed by my agony that I haven't ever thought of that. All I ever think about is pain..
Tylerrjoseph: sorry... I'm being dramatic. Again.
Spookyjim: your a songwriter, it's what you do:p and Tyler... when you told me what happens to you. I can't stand it, I need to help you. You can't continue to let your father sexually and emotionally abuse you... I have to help. How can I help?
Tylerrjoseph: Josh.. I have to go. My dad just got up... he does this thing every morning and if he catches me on my phone he's gonna hurt me. I have to go. By josh.
Spookyjim: wait! Tyler I need to help!

Tylerrjoseph is offline

Spookyjim: as soon as you see this, we're coming up with a plan so save you.
Spookyjim: I care about you.
Spookyjim: and even if you don't like me back... I want to help.
Spookyjim: your so perfect.
Spookyjim: ttyl

Spookyjim is offline

Tyler was shaking, he could hear his father trudging down the hall towards his room. He had a whip with him, and he demanded Tyler get undressed.

"Tyler, you disobedient little rat! Get undressed, now!"

Tyler didn't dare disobey his father... or else he would get something way worse then a whip. As he peeled away his layers of clothing, his scars revealed. His body was damaged... for ever. Scars from his father cutting him went all the way from his thighs up to his waist... there were even some on his arms and shoulders. Scars, a perfect target for a lash with a whip.

"Boy, spread your arms. NOW." Tyler did so. "Good... now sit still. If you let out a cry or a scream... your dead. You hear me boy?? DO YA? "

"Y-yes sir." Tyler said with a squeaky voice.

"One.. two.. three!" Tyler's flesh was whipped hard, with a gash now across his old scars. It looked like scar above scar above scar... the only reason nobody notices these scars is because Tyler's father forces him to cover them up with long clothing.

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Tyler's phone vibrated.

Incoming call from: Spookyjim

"Spooky Jim... who's this boy?"
Tyler's father quetioned.

"Nobody, dad."

"Kiddo, when I ask you a question, YOU GODDAMN ANSWER IT!! I said who is it?!"

"My boyfriend!" The words just came out... why did Tyler say boyfriend? Him and Josh were just friends.... or... at lest that's how he thought he felt. Did he feel more than just a friendship with josh? Was there something... more?

"Did you just say.... boyfriend??" Tyler's father went red in the face, he got so furious it's as if steam came out of every entrance in his face.

"LISTEN HERE, BOY. I REFUSE TO LIVE WITH A FILTHY FAGGOT IN MY HOME. NO DICK-SUCKER WILL BE CONSIDERED MY SON!!! YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!!" Tyler's father backhanded him across the face as hard as his force could throw. Tyler flew back and he hit his head on the wall. His nose bled. Tyler cried uncontrollably, blood and tears pooling into his grey sweatpants. He had lost so much blood over the years he wondered how he hadn't been drained of his dirty blood. What was he doing to be punished? He was raised to believe he was getting beaten because he was a bad person. Because he did something terrible. Tyler was lost in a sea of tears, blood and thoughts when he heard the doorbell ring. His father demanded he ignore it, as he left the room. Tyler knew it just be Josh, the only time the doorbell rings is when his mothers crack dealer was delivering. And it wasn't Thursday, so it couldn't be him. Josh? Tyler defied what his father told him not to do and ran to the door he flung it open and flew into Josh's arms.

"We need to run, RUN josh!!"

"What? Oh-okay...."

Josh and Tyler ran to Josh's car and Tyler ordered they drive away at once. They got to an alleyway nearby and parked there, so nobody could see or hear them. Tyler began to break down, tears overwhelming him. He was still covered in blood from his nose, it all over his clothes and his hands and face.

"Oh my god... Tyler! What happened??" Josh said genuinely worried.

"Josh... my dad. H-h-he hit me so hard I thought I would pass out... m-my nose bled from the impact-t."

"Oh, Tyler... ohhh no... this is bad... I can't let you go back there. I just can't, there's no way in hell I'm letting you go back there!"

Tyler sobbed for a few seconds before hugging Josh as tight as he could.

"You always save me, Josh. Thank you.. I... I-"

Josh leaned in and kissed Tyler. Their lips pressed together for about ten seconds when Tyler pulled away.

"I... I'm sorry, Tyler. I don't know what got into me, I-"

Tyler shut Josh up by kissing him back.

"Wow... I.... I didn't think you liked m back..?"

"Josh... of course I do. You save me. You care about me. Your so amazing... and... actually this is the reason I'm so full of blood.."

"What.... what do you mean..?"

"'I accidentally told my dad you were my....b-b-boyfriend..... and... he yelled at me, saying I was a useless faggot who didn't deserve to be alive and how he would never want a 'dick sucker' like me to be his son..."

"Oh, Tyler... why would you tell him I'm your boyfriend?"

"Because... I didn't mean to. The words just- slipped out. I guess I kind of knew that I liked you back... and it all flooded out because I bottled it up. Joshua... I like you."

"Tyler.... I like you too."

The two leaned in closer and closer as they were engulfed in each other's kiss. Tyler's hands were gently placed on Josh's face while Josh's hands were on Tyler's waist. The two made out for about 5 minutes when Tyler had a question.

"Wait... josh... why did you come to my house this morning? How do you always come right when I need you? "

"Well I was just going to ask you if you needed a ride to school..."

"It's Saturday, Josh."

"Crap... busted. Okay okay, truth is I was worried. You said your dad was coming and went offline for twenty minutes... so I came to check on you. I care, Tyler. I care about you." Josh's mocha eyes and pink hair were enough to make Tyler drool. He was just so adorable. The way he bit his lip when he admitted to caring... it was so hot.

"So... now to come up with a plan." Josh said.

"Will you move in with me?"

(Authors note)

Ok, I'm sorry this chapter was sorta crappy but the next one will get better, I swear!!! Hope your liking it so far, thanks!

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