24: facedown

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Tyler couldn't help but stare at Josh put on his cologne and just marvel at his cuteness.
Snap out of it Tyler. He is your best fren... not your boy fren. Not anymore... but still. Fren. Just fren.
Tyler was okay with the fact that they were nothing more than frens, he loved Jenna and was content with her. He would obviously always love josh, but he would be okay with the fact and accept that they aren't together and never will be. Josh finished up getting ready for his date, when Tyler pulled him aside.

"Bro... this is good for our career."

"What do you mean?"

"If you get with her, she'll get us far."

Josh was confused... this wasn't like Tyler. Did he really think Josh was using Debby?

"I actually like her... I'm not just doing this for our career.."

Tyler knew he couldn't lie to himself. He knew Josh liked Debby... why did it even bother him? He was with Jenna, and he was fine with that until Debby came into the picture. He made Josh watch him and Jenna be together, so why couldn't he take watching Debby and Josh together? Maybe it was just because it was so new to see Josh so happy... without him. It's not that he didn't want josh to move on and be happy... it was a strange feeling that Tyler couldn't describe.

"Sorry man, I just assumed."

"Assumed what? That I was that kind of dude??!"

"Josh.. I'm sorry ok?"

"Tyler, I can't believe you friggen thought that I would do that, HOW COULD I?? You know me... or at least I thought you did. Do you even know me?!" Josh snapped

"YOU KNOW WHAT JOSH?? I make ONE MISTAKE with my words and you snap on me?? YOU KNOW HOW GUILTY I GET!"

"YEAH, well then I guess I'll fucking see you later. Fuck you."

What? Did Josh just drop an F bomb..? Tyler knew something was not right... he must have been truly mad at what Tyler said to curse at Tyler. Usually, he'd never hurt a fly. Or even course at one! This wasn't like Josh. Tyler was shocked by what Josh just said... he must really be mad... and it was all Tyler's fault. What has he done? Tyler ran into his room and sat on the ground sobbing, his face in his palms. He felt like such a screwup... it reminded him of when he was 11. He would get beaten and whipped until his scars bled and his skin was black and blue. His father would call him a "good for nothing mistake" and a "fuckup". Maybe Tyler was a screwup, but he couldn't help it.. he just always messed up everything. He couldn't help it... it was an accident... just like him. It's not like his parents wanted him or anything, why would they have a child on purpose just to beat it up and torture it until it was hanging onto life by nothing but a thread. He's lost so much blood from his father that he's almost had to have been hospitalized or even died. Other nights, the lack of food would make Tyler throw up everywhere and his parents wouldn't clean it up when Tyler was to weak too. He would lay there in all types of his own bodily fluids. Blood, Vomit, Drool, Urine and even tears. All mixed as one to form a sea where he would want to do nothing more than drown. This flashback was bad, Tyler started shaking and jerking uncontrollably and was so short of breath that he almost suffocated. He lay on the floor, all alone, dying of painful memories.

"So, what's your favourite thing to do besides drum?" Debby raised an eyebrow at Josh sitting peacefully across the table for two.

"I like to hang out with Tyler.." Josh frowned remembering the fight him and Tyler just had.. he almost forgot about that.

"Hahaha. I take it he's more than just a band mate?"

Josh panicked a little, he thought Debby meant in a romantic way.

"Um... what??!!"

"No no no no no no, not like that. I mean, are you guys like best friends or something?"

"Oh... haha... ya. We're very close."

"Hmm, well hopefully we can get closer too?"

"I'd love that." Josh smiled warmly bearing his perfect teeth, and put his hands in Debby's on the middle of the table.

"So... I know this is a date, but do you mind if I talk to you about the album?"

"Uhh... Sure?"

"Okay, great. Josh... I wanted to see the look in your eyes personally when I told you, sooooo... you and Tyler are going on tour!!!"

Josh froze completely. Did she just say... tour??? Like.. world tour? It was amazing, it was their big break!! They would make it into the big leagues of the music world. A huge smile spread across his face and he couldn't seem to believe his ears.

"Are you for real??"

"Yep, as real as my ginger hair!"

"DEBBY!! That's so amazing, Thank you so so much!!"

Josh was so excited he did not know how to contain it, so he accidentally took it out on Debby's plump pouty lips. He leaned over the small table for two and placed his lips on hers. Oh god... was this bad? What if Debby didn't want to kiss yet? But as soon as josh had that thought, Debby kissed back. It was a perfect date, Josh was happy because Debby was a wonderful woman and because he would be going on tour with his beautiful best fren... but then he remembered how they fought.... and that Tyler was probably angry at him. After that thought, Josh went the rest of the date not really content. His thoughts were with his best fren Tyler.

Josh drove Debby home, it was late at night. Probably around 10:20 or so. Josh opened her door to help her exit the car, and she gave him a huge hug.

"I'll give you and Tyler both some more detail on the tour tomorrow, meet me at the office at 4:15?"

Josh nodded and hugged Debby back.
As he got back into his car after watching Debby make it safely back inside her home, he drove off into the night. He was afraid to get home, and he felt bad. Tyler was all alone because Jenna was in Denmark with her sister and after the fight they had, he worried about Tyler. He knew he probably broke Tyler's heart, again, and it made him upset. How could he hurt his little bean boy? He knew he still loved Tyler.. so why did he say such an awful thing to him? If he loved Tyler so much, why did he curse at him? Instead of going home, Josh drove all the way back to Tyler's apartment at 10:30 at night. When Josh arrived, he had a feeling something was wrong. He knocked 3 times and there was no answer.. that's when Josh remembered where Tyler his the extra key. There was a spot under one of the tiles in the hallway that moved, so he pushed the tile away from its place and took the key. He put the tile back and fumbled to get the key in the lock. He knew Tyler was home, so why didn't he answer the door?? When he finally busted the door open, he walked into the dimmed room.

"Hello? Tyler??"

There was no answer. Josh walked around the house searching for Tyler when he noticed a light leaking from under the crack of a closed bathroom door. Oh no.. Tyler was in there. Josh ran to the bathroom and tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge, it was locked. Josh started to cry as he pleaded Tyler's name, but Tyler wouldn't answer. It was just silent other than Josh's cry's to Tyler. He couldn't get the door, so he finally broke it down. He kicked it until it caved in, and he ran into the bathroom. The sight made him choke on his own breath. His eyes filled with tears and his jaw dropped as he screamed Tyler's name at the top of his lungs.

Tyler was facedown in the filled up bathtub, not moving at all.

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