78: Abused

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Tyler's dad was stomping, he must have been real angry. He swung the door open so hard Tyler thought it would collapse the whole house. He somewhat wished it did.

"Boy, in your sleep you were yellin' somethin' bout' 'josh' and 'Jolie.' Who dat?" His father spat.

"I.... I...."

Tyler was in shock. Where is josh? Why is his father alive... why is he in his old house? Why is he 17 again? Was it all an illusion in his mind, just to escape his misery? Maybe it was a dream... Tyler couldn't be sure of anything anymore. What if nothing was real? His father slapped him across the face, leaving his cheek flesh red and numb.

"Answer me boy!"


His father hissed.

"What was that?"

"I. Said. No."

Tyler wasn't afraid. This was his suicide, standing up to his father. He was done. Time to make a change. His father gritted his teeth, his blood boiled at Tyler's bravery. Before Tyler even had time to be afraid, his father pulled out the knife he had used to torture Tyler before. That was the knife that left scars on Tylers every inch. The knife that Tyler feared would be the death of him. It was. His father quickly and swiftly jabbed Tyler's lower stomach until he bled out pounds of dark red blood. Tyler gasped for air as he slowly bled out and lied on the floor, fighting to stay alive. His father watched blatantly as Tyler gasped and fought. This was the end of Tyler's battle, this war was lost. Josh was never really there to save him.  Nobody was, he had been alone in the corner, fearing his father the whole time. This, was Tyler's abuse.

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