Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

 I wake up hazily from my overall peaceful slumber. Glancing at the clock, I realize that I've been asleep for three hours and that my parents came home an hour ago. Crap. Now I have to confess the events of today. Universe, please have mercy on me and not get me grounded for something that I didn't even do. Hesitantly, I clunk down the stairs and face my parents whom look super stressed already. My news is probably going to add it, but it needs to be done. They need to know what happened. 

"Hey mom, hey dad. Is everything okay?" They both shake their heads no. "What's going on?" My dad sighs rather dramatically. "Your principal called us about a half an hour ago to tell us that you have afterschool detention for the next week starting tomorrow. Though as he was explaining what happened, I couldn't help but think it was bull." A sigh of relief escapes from my mouth. I'm so happy my parents can through Brittany and her lies. My mother nods in agreement, proving that she's in support of my father. 

   I give them a small smile. "Thank you guys for trusting me. Most parents would falsely accuse their children, ground them, and call it a day." My mothers puts a hand on my shoulder. "We've always trusted you honey. You're a good student, well rounded, hard working, and more. Though most importantly, you're honest and kind. If this ho-ha principal Mr. Neon, which is a really dumb last name if you ask me, gives you anymore grief, at least one of us will race down to your school and give him a peace of our mind." I hug the both of them and sit down at the kitchen table. 

  I sit in silence for a few minutes before speaking again. "So can I tell you what really happened today?", I ask. Both of them nod and motion for me to do so. "I had just gotten out of Spanish and was heading to my locker to grab my lunch, get a sip of water, and swap my books when these three snotty popular girls purposely were blocking my locker. I tried reasoning with them but failed miserably. Go figure. Mr. Neon then walked by a moment later and Brittany Peters, the ring leader and girl who hates me the most started "bawling" her eyes out. She then told Mr. Neon that I was bullying her. I ended up missing most of lunch and am stuck with a stupid week's worth of detention." 

  My dad starts to fume. "That's absolute bull. Your mother has to work all day tomorrow, but I have the day off." I raise an eyebrow at him. "What are you trying to say dad?" He exhales a sharp breath. "What I'm trying to say Myra is that first thing in the morning, I will be having a chat with your principal. You don't deserve to suffer like that." I wrap an arm around him and kiss him on the cheek. "Thank you dad." His shoulders relax and he smiles at me saying "You're welcome." 

   We spend the rest of dinner eating in blissful silence before I head upstairs to do the very little homework I received tonight. As I do my homework, I can't help but think about how good dinner was. By the way, dinner was hard shell tacos and cheese fries. Yum. 

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