Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

A week later...

Clark is finally back to normal, well his version of normal at least. Though yesterday, he something a little odd, but also kind of sweet. When I dropped a dirty pencil top eraser, he picked it up and washed in the classroom sink at the back of the class. We got a lot of strange looks, but I simply tuned them out. In addition, he's been texting me nonstop the past few days. I'm so happy right now. Not even Brittany and her minions could ruin my mood. It's even Friday today so in a few hours, it will be the weekend. HOORAY!

Each class leading up to Spanish goes by in a flash. I had subs in most of my morning classes so I basically just got to goof off with Becky and Derek the entire time. Even better news... I have no homework this weekend so far. I don't mind getting a little bit, I just hate getting swamped to the point that I can't have a social life, though I've never had much of one to begin with. Speaking of my social life, I'm going to the mall with Becky and Derek tomorrow. We all want to make a trip to our favorite store, Hot Topic. Seriously, I live in that store. I can never go to the mall without buying something from there. Some days I may only spend five dollars in there, but other days, I can end up spending at least fifty to sixty dollars. When it all comes down to it, it all depends on the sales on that particular day. 

  Spanish class...

  I walk in and Clark has my seat reserved just for me. The dorkiest smile spreads across my face. Clark has put me in such a good mood this week. He stands up and shakes my hand. The simple and short contact gives me goosebumps in the best possible way. Clark just touched my hand, OH MY GOD. Praise the heavens! 

 Surprisingly we have a sub in Spanish too with no work to do so I get to spend the entire class talking to Clark. Today has truly been good to me. 

That evening...

 I get home to my parents awaiting me with goofy grins on their faces that I can't help but return. My mom starts jumping up and down so I follow in pursuit while laughing. "What are jumping up and down for?", I ask. She responds back with "I got a promotion at work along with another slight raise." I'm astonished. So much money is coming our way. I might be able to go on some of my dream trips soon such as Disney World, L.A, and Vegas. Ah, a girl can dream. 

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