Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

That evening...

  I'm done with all of my homework, I decide to pick up the phone and call Clark. His sister's behavior from earlier today made me even more worried about him. Thankfully Clark answers on the third ring. "Myra...", he says in a weak voice. "Hey Clark. How are you feeling?" He bursts into a coughing fit before answering. "Not great Myra. Listen, now's not a good time." Me being dumb at times simply responds with "Oh." "Yeah. In fact, I think it's best that you and break up and not have further contact with one another. Under circumstances of course." I can feel a lump as big as Texas form in my throat. "O-Okay" is all I manage to choke out. He gives me an insincere apology before hanging up the phone. As soon as the call is disconnected, I break down instantly. I take the pictures of us in frames on my desk and throw them across the room. I don't even care if they rip or break. Clark is no longer worthy of being displayed in my room. If he had any balls and courtesy, he would have waited until tomorrow in school to break up with me in person. Instead, he did over a minute long phone call and sucked me into being a lovesick puppy who brought over all of his stupid homework and books. I should have just fucking burned them. 

 An hour later...

  I've shed all of the tears that I could possibly shed right now. I'm actually kind of hungry, but I don't want to socialize right now. Screw it, I'm going to stay up late tonight. I'll go down to the kitchen and get a snack when my parents are asleep, that way I won't have to deal with an almost daily Q and A session. I decide to great a group chat on Facebook with Becky and Derek:

Me: Hey guys. I know it's starting to get late and/or you're probably busy, but I was wondering if you could spare a few minutes to talk. 

Becky: I'm not busy at all. 

Derek: Neither am I. What's going on?

Me: ......

Becky: Myra, we can tell you're not okay. 

Me:  Clark dumped me out of the blue without any warning. :( It's almost as if he never even loved me...

Becky: What an asshole. I'm so sorry Myra. I'll help you avoid him tomorrow. 

Derek: I'm going to kill that son of a bitch!!!

Me: Derek, NO. I don't want you getting yourself in trouble like that.

Derek: I love ya Myra, but for once I'm not going to listen to you. That ball less bastard deserves to pay for hurting you the way he did. All he has is a little cold, which doesn't matter to me. You're my best friend Myra. I'll even go as far as saying you're my favorite person in the world. Please let me help you get justice for his cruel actions.

Me: I love ya too Derek, but I just can't allow this. If you get in trouble over this, I won't be able to forgive myself.

Becky: I agree with Myra.

Derek: I'll do my best not to get in trouble. If I do, I'll face the consequences like a man, which is more than Clark will do. Fucking coward.

Me: Thank you both for being there for me. I don't know what I'd do without you both in my life

Becky: <3 Well luckily you don't have to find out. 

Derek: Agreed <3 We'll let you get some rest because you've had a rough day today. Plus, we all don't want to be zombies. 

Me: Yeah you're right. I'll see you both in the morning. Can you guys wait for me by the doors? I'm going to need some help avoiding Clark.

Derek: Absolutely. We'll be your bodyguards until this situation fizzles out. 

Me: Thank you! Good night Becky. <3 Good night Derek. <3 

Becky: Good night Myra <3

Derek: Good night Myra <3

Me: <3

 I sign off of Facebook and force myself to get at least a few hours of sleep. It's already midnight and I have to be up at six fifteen. Fuck my life. 

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