Chapter 72

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Chapter 72

Time Skip... Two months later... December...

 It's officially December now, which is my favorite month of the year despite it constantly snowing. Christmas, my birthday, and New Years' are all in the same week. Best week ever! Lot's of parties to go to and double the amount of presents. Though there is one thing that's been bothering me a lot lately. Becky hasn't shown up to school in over a month. I've hardly heard anything from her. I'm lucky if she messages, texts, or calls me twice a week. I'm having a bowling birthday party in a couple of weeks for my sweet sixteen. It's going to be a small get together with just Ted, Derek, Becky, Cody (my nephew), and I. I'm not one of those obnoxious showoffs who needs half of the school to come to my party and blast it all over social media. 

  I think that Becky's quite sick, though I'm not entirely sure what she has. The demons in my mind are saying that she has cancer or something else that's serious like that. I really hope not. I love her so much. I need my best friend around for a very long time. Her and Derek are my lifelines. Besides my parents, they are the two people that I would sacrifice everything for. When Becky comes to my party, I'm going to give her the biggest hug and devote all of my time to her. We're not normally sappy with one another, but I have a feeling that we will be when we see each other in two weeks time. 

  In addition to Derek being there for me so much, Ted has as well. I'm glad that I met Ted. It's nice having a guy friend that isn't also my boyfriend. I know I said that about Derek when I was dating the asshole that shall not be named, but it's true. When Derek was giving me the cold shoulder a couple months ago, Ted comforted me and gave me good advice like Becky and didn't hit on me in the process, which I respect him highly for doing so. A lot of guys nowadays just be friends with a girl to get in her pants. It's sad. The majority of guys act like that, causing the few decent guys to seem as evil as they are. Like sex is so far from my mind. I'm not even interested in the slightest to be almost sixteen and pregnant. Screw that (not literally you perverts.) 



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