Chapter 1- Spilled Coffee

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Chapter 1- Spilled Coffee

Cassidy 's POV

I woke up

I'm alive

That's all that matters

Another day of my miserable life..

I turned my television on.

Breaking news...

One Direction.... I turned the TV off.

"One Direction this.... one direction that... bla.... blah...." I mimick the tone of the reporter "Geez. I should really start my day.Before this nonsense band get into me... urgh! Nevah!" I said getting up.

I did my daily routine... All set! "Its time to get to work miss workaholic!" I said to myself then jump at the driver's seat. As I drive all I see is about one direction. What about that damn band?! I'm sick of it!. Well I'm not really angry at the whole band... just the... urgh! talking to myself again! Never mind.As I enter the restaurant I am working at... the truth is... I dont really need to work as an employee but its kinda boring without doing anything so I decided to have a job and this is it! I put on my apron and started my first shift.

"Good morning sir! Table for 4? follow me" I said trying my best to be friendly. I'm not actually friendly after what he did to me... no never... They sat down

" Here's your menus" I said passing it to them "Let me know if you're already gonna order something" I state looking at them while smiling... kinda. They said their orders while I wrote it on a paper when one of their phones rings.

"You're insecure... Don't know what for..." That sound....

"Your order will come right up!" I exclaimed trying to smile then quickly walk away. I go to the next table and saw girls squealling and giggling.

"What can I get you?" I asked bluntly. I'm getting tired of all this fans.

"What about you give us a Harry? " A girl said then they all laugh. I swear... if I stay here any longer their face will turn into frogs!.. So I walk out.. "Stupid Stupid" I murmured.

"So... What happened? Still can't get enough of One Direction? How can you resist them?" She teased. then.. "Look they're so hot and handsome!!" My coworker fangirled while shoving the magazine at my face. By the way her name is Melissa

"Stop it! Melissa! I'll never like them! You know what? you should keep them to yourself and I'll be truly greatful." I state then she stop then pout. That will not work this time cause I really despise that band.

"Hater much? Why. I mean your so nice and all but when it comes to One Direction.. your like... youll turn to a wild animal" She asked curiously. If you only know... If only you know..

"You shouldn't ask" I answered bluntly, recalling the memory. "I should go back to work" I said trying to avoid the question. I know she wouldn't give up until I give in. After hours of working, my shift is finally over.

"Bye! I should head out" I said while swaying my hand and she repeated the gesture.

"Bye!!! Take care!!!" While jumping and grinning

"bye love! be careful!!" he grinned

I shake the memory in my head. How ridiculous... I sat at the driver seat when;someone called me...

"Hello?" "Sure.. I'll go right away..." I started the engine but it didnt work. "How nice!" I said sarcastically. It is just blocks away so I'll just walk. I can't bear missing this. I get out of my car and started to walk. In my way I only heard about stupid One Direction! Shocks! Whats with humanity nowadays?--- Then my train of thoughts about an annoying band has been cut because of a hot feeling I felt that touched my skin.

"Ouch!" The guy is taller than me he is so covered up that i cant see his face... Lunatic all I could see that his coffee fell to my T-shirt through my skin. He seems familiar but I don't know where we met.

'I'm sorry I'm not looking at the way" He apologized while helping me to stand up. As a good citizen I'll let this pass.

"Um.. no.. I'm not looking at the way either" I said while smiling cheaply. He seemed worried.

"No... let me make it up for you" He insisted but I got a meeting with a very important person.

"Thank you but I have something to do" I state. I'm gonna be late.

"You couldn't meet him or her if youre shirt is a mess" He got a point and I'm already late.

"Alright.. It wouldn't hurt me if I said yes but can I know your name?" I asked. Ha! I wouldn't go with you without knowing a single information. Maybe it would remind me of someone.

"Har-- I mean.... Harharrop " He said chuckling. Weird..

"I never heard such name." I wondered.

"My parents are quite imaginative when it comes to name" He explained and I just nod. He put his jacket on me then He lead the way to his house. As we walk I realized my house is just nearby. This jacket is familiar.... everything is familiar.

"Here we are!" I snap back and saw a humongous mansion. Yes... Its really big

"Wow" I mutter. He just smiled at my direction.

"Let's go?" I followed him absent mindedly.


A/N: What would happen next?

Will something happen to her?

Will she be friend of Harrop?

Find out! :)

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