#26 the boys meet and spend time with your newborns

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Niall and I where upstairs in the twins' nursery . We are going to have them in deprecate room when they get a little older but having them in the same room will be easier for at night if they're both crying.
"I never thought I would ever be this happy" I whispered wrapping one arm around Niall's torso. "Me too" he said wrapping his arm around my waist and gently squeezing my waist.
We both just stood staring at our two newborn babies, our son and daughter that were only 3 days old.

We where pulled out of our trance by a loud knock at the door.
I picked our son up and Niall picked our daughter up.

We both took them downstairs and Niall answered the door.
He led the boys to the living room where I was holding my baby boy.

"Can we hold them?" Liam asked. I nodded passing our baby boy to Liam and Niall passed our baby girl to Louis.
"They're gorgeous, what are their names?" Harry asked looking at the twins.
"Ethan James Horan and Aaliyah Grace Horan" I told them and they smiled
Louis passed Aaliyah to Harry so he could hold her and Liam passed Ethan to Louis.
Aaliyah started to stir in Harry's arms and she opened her eyes whereas Ethan stayed asleep.
"She looks like you, they both do" Liam told Niall.

Harry passed Aaliyah to Liam and Louis passed Ethan to Harry.
Aaliyah started to get fussy and was moving her arms and legs.

Niall left the room and came back 5 minutes later with two baby bottles filled with milk in his hand.

He gave Harry one so he could feed Ethan and he took Aaliyah from Liam's arms so he could feed her.

She gladly began eating.
We all sat down on the sofa admiring her the babies.
"Who thought Niall would be the first to become a dad! I thought it would've been Liam" Louis said.(I know he isn't a dad , and Liam and Louis are but it's for the imagine)
Niall smiled as he was looking at Aaliyah. He looked over at our baby boy in Harry's arms.
"Is he drinking it?" He asked. Harry nodded. "It's almost gone" he chuckled.

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