#156 your daughter thinks he likes your other children more

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Your POV

Niall and I have 3 children together, 2 daughters and one son.

Our oldest child is our daughter, Isabelle and she is 4 years old.
We also have 5 month old twins, Ethan and Aaliyah.


"How's my beautiful babies doing today!!" Niall said in a baby voice to the twins who were in their high chairs.
They both smiled and giggled.
"Just wait until you're older Ethan!  I'll teach you to play football and guitar and you can come to football games with me! Yes, you can!" He said In a baby voice and kissed Ethan's cheek and Aaliyah's cheek.

"Ni, can you watch them while I check on Isabelle?" I asked.
"Of course, but speaking of Issy, where is she?" He asked kissing my cheek.
"She's in her bedroom" I told him.


I walked into my 4 year old daughters bedroom.
I saw her and she was on her bed ,cuddling her teddy bear Niall gave her when she was born, and she had tears streaming down her face.

"Aww, my poor baby, what's wrong?" I asked and sat next to her pulling her into my embrace.
She snuggled and sobbed a little while clutching her teddy even tighter.

"D..daddy no love me!" She cried.
"What do you mean baby? Of course daddy loves you" I told her.
She shook her head.
"He not! H..he alway play with Ethan and Aaliyah! Not me! A..and he no pay attention to me!" She sobbed.

"Aww , sweetheart, is this because he hasn't spent much time with you?" I asked and she nodded and sniffled.
"He don't love me" she mumbled and cried more.
"Of course he does, he's only spending time with Ethan and Aaliyah because they're babies and need a lot of attention" I said trying to make her understand even though I have no idea why Niall has ignored her these past few weeks because I've picked up on it.
"Just stay here baby" I whispered and quickly left the room going back to the kitchen.

"Niall" I said and he turned around.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Can you go and talk to Isabelle?" I asked.
"Why? She usually wants you" he said.
"Now you know that's not true! Shes a massive daddy's girl. But she's crying because she thinks you don't love her anymore" I said and his face fell.


Niall's POV

I entered my daughters bedroom and sat down on her bed .
"C'mere baby girl" I muttered and bringing her onto my lap as she cuddled into me.

"What's wrong princess?" I asked as I wiped some of her tears.
"Y..you no love me" she cried, clutching her teddy bear I gave her when she was born.

I frowned.
"Princess, I love you so so much! You're my amazing and beautiful little princess! How could I not love you're little face?" I whispered. She shrugged.
"You no spend time with me, just Ethan and Aaliyah" she mumbled.

That's when I realised that I had basically ignored her these past couple of weeks. I had been too busy with the twins that I ignored my little girl.

"I'm so sorry baby, it..it's just that they're babies and need a lot of attention because they can't do anything themselves" I said trying to come up with an excuse.

"How about, me and you go out now? We can have a daddy daughter day and we can spend time together? Just me and you, princess" I suggested.
She nodded and cuddled into my chest.

"I love you baby girl, so so much! I could never not love you because you're my beautiful little girl, my first baby, i love you" I told her.
She smiled up at me.
"I love you too daddy" she whispered.
She pouted her lips and I smiled kissing her lips.

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